Politicians up-hold their policy of Screwing WE the PEOPLE!
If Social Security will soon have no money to pay out - then why pay in now? Stop it all together!
The Politicians went into the Social Security fund and used this money for purposes other than for what it was intended.
If YOU did that, if I did that - it would be considered either embezzlement or stealing.
We would be in jail.
They took the money from the Social Security fund, that we paid into via our paychecks.
We believed it was going to be saved and protected.
WE the People actually believed in our Government.
WE the People actually believed the Politicians were looking out for us.
We the PEOPLE actually believed the Politicians were up-holding the Constitution.
We the PEOPLE believed because the President and the Politicians take an oath to up-hold the constitution ...
Politicians up-hold their policy of Screwing WE the PEOPLE!
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