Saturday, April 18, 2009

OBAMA - Socialist, Nazi or just IDIOT?


This has ALWAYS boggled my mind. But more so, now.
The United States of America, our Country is in dire economic distress.
Again, the sitting President promises billions upon billions of dollars to other Countries (most who laugh at the U.S.).

Afghanistan - to help aid their country in hopes they can develop a better economy, build schools, instrsucture

Pakistan - to help ensure their stability

As always, Israel ....

and soon, we will find out how much more millions will go to Mexico.

To any American, drunk or sober ... aren't we in economic distress?

You can't help others clean their house, until your own house is clean.

Maybe this President should keep American taxpayer dollars at home - to help his "fellow Americans." It was U.S. citizens who elected him. He works for American citizens, not those citizens of other countries whose hands are always out for a free ride.

Another form of FREE ride is even thinking about amnesty to illegal aliens. Illegal means illegal. To think - if the unemployment tragedy is devastating now - if given amnesty, those freeloaders will be legal to keep and maintain the jobs they illegally had all along.

If someone illegally jumped over my fence on my property and started rushing toward my home ... I would shoot first then say "stop" later.

Then perhaps that would be a solution. Return the body bag to their own Country. "RETURN TO SENDER - addressee dead upon illegal arrival."

Fruit from the poisonous tree is also poison

When I was growing up, the word illegal meant it illegal. Wrong was wrong. And if you were illegal or wrong, you could not be partly illegal or partly wrong ...

Shoplifting, stealing, murder, larceny, extortion, terrorism - they are illegal. Some are not a little more illegal than others, they are illegal.

Until laws change, illegal means illegal. Not some are a little more illegal than others.

Why is it so hard for people to understand illegal alien means a person who illegally and wrongfully enters this country is wrong and illegal? It is not a little wrong, or a little illegal, it is just illegal. Until the laws change, there are ways to go about entering in .... working in.... living in .....
If there are no repercussions to being illegal .... if there are no consequences for knowingly and willingly committing this illegal act of entering this Country ... then perhaps it is not that illegal. Then under that same rule ... I am hurting for money. I would like to rob a bank.

Is robbing a bank a little more illegal than being an illegal alien or shoplifting?