Monday, December 8, 2008

THE CHEATERS stars Billie Burke and Ona Munson - RARE

THE CHEATERS (1945) starring Billie Burke, ONA MUNSON, Joseph Schildkraut and Eugene Pallette is finally available on DVD. This rare gem is being offered on and or you can order direct by using paypal. Contact for further information. $8.99 includes first class mail shipping in USA only.

Friday, December 5, 2008


A friend of mine recently wrote a letter to President Bush. Here it is in its entirety...

Glad you bought a new house. My sister and I are about to be evicted from our HUD apt. I have not been able to find a job in about a year. I am 51 years young, my sister is 52.
I guess we will be homeless for Christmas.
While you were funding the war, you let America collapse under your reigns.
NO ONE in your administration saw this coming?
Then you surrounded yourself with fools.
While America burned, Bush fiddled.
Nero did the same thing.
I am ready, willing and able to work. Will Obama choose me to help re-furbish the bridges? Or will I be living under one of them and asked to move away to nowhere ....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

RAVE REVIEW FOR "She" (1925) Exclusive Re-release

Check out the EBAY TOP-SELLER "She" (1925) RARE DVD with an original score by Brian Pinette. Brian's talents are also displayed with his orginal score for the classic Rudolph Valentino and Dorothy Dalton actioner MORAN OF THE LADY LETTY, also featured exclusively on EBAY.

You can also order direct. Contact

Dallas Hill and Brian Pinette are BACK!

"Dallas Hill and Brian Pinette are international phenoms. Their fans are legion ... from the legendary Lillian Gish to Dawn Wells, Mamie Van Doren, as well as traveling overseas to the Queen Mother.
Song-stylist Dallas, regarded in the press as a "Country-singsation" can flip a phrase in a unique way ... displaying nuance, pathos and passion. Brian's words & music are direct from the heart ... proving that laughter and tears co-exist.
His comedic "Do The Dallas" - in a nutshell - is the bio of this international model turned singer turned actress. It is a dance ditty reminiscent of the 'Beach Party' scene of the 1960s. Their duets bring truth and hope. Broadway and NY icon Connie Carnes has lent her vocal support for almost two decades and is brilliant.
This dynamic team have been releasing albums or singles or motion pictures almost yearly since the mid-1970's. Without fail, they have proven that talent and grace are ageless as well as well as inspiring.
They have had some bestsellers along the way. To date, some still get airplay internationally. Their fans are fierce and loyal.
Dallas is also an acclaimed artist with showings at Museums and galleries worldwide. Brian's films which he wrote, produced and directed over the years starring Coleen Gray, Dallas Hill, Kathrin Victor to Patsy Ruth Miller are top-sellers over the internet as are his original music soundtracks to many classic silent films including SHE (1925) with Betty Blythe, Alla Nazimova in SALOME and CAMILLE (1924 & 1925) and Dorothy Dalton & Rudolph Valentino in THE MORAN OF THE LADY LETTY.
They are 'beyond forever' - and that's a long long time."
L. Sinclair / NYC News

"Thanks for the gift of music."
Anne Francis
Film and TV Star

"Love you darling!"
Zsa Zsa Gabor
International Personality

"God bless you."
Connie Francis
Legendary Singer

"... blessings always."
Gale Storm
Television Icon

"Love and merry."
Joan Collins

"... the best ..."
Dame Diana Rigg
Revered Actress

Saturday, November 8, 2008

NAZIMOVA Silent GEMS collection with original score

Camille (1921) Cast: Nazimova, Rudolph Valentino, Arthur Hoyt, Zeffie Tilbury, Rex Cherryman, Edward Connelly, Patsy Ruth Miller.

Director: Ray C. Smallwood Description: Unsophisticated law student forsakes his family and career when he falls passionately in love with a notorious Parisian courtesan. Screenwriter June Mathis updated the classic novel by Alexander Dumas. Art Direction by Natacha Rambova. Color/B&W: B&W. Running Time: 63 mins.

Salome (1922) Cast: Nazimova, Rose Dione, Mitchell Lewis, Nigel De Brulier, Earl Schenck, Arthur Jasmine, Frederick Peters.

Director: Charles Bryant
Cast: Nazimova, Rose Dione, Mitchell Lewis, Nigel De Brulier, Earl Schenck, Arthur Jasmine, Frederick Peters.
Description: Salome, daughter of Herodias, seduces her step-father/uncle Herod, governor of Judea, with a sensual dance. In return for this "favor" he promises her the head of John The Baptist. Produced by Alla Nazimova. Screenplay and Art Direction by Natacha Rambova, based on the play by Oscar Wilde.
Color/B&W: B&W. Running Time: 34 mins.


For information and ordering:

Friday, November 7, 2008



SILENT FILM CLASSIC She (1925) "revived" with original score by Brian Pinette, exclusively found on EBAY.

Until recently, SHE, the 1925 film was released and re-released on video as an exclusively silent film. It has been overlooked. NOW, with digital enhancement and creative originality, it is enjoying a resurgence as a top-seller, offered exclusively on EBAY by Brian Pinette.

Brian discovered a print of the film, digitalized it and added his own original music to it.

"It was a blast!" smiles Brian. "I'm in the middle of the score for both ANNA CHRISTIE with Blanche Sweet as well as QUEEN ELIZABETH with Sarah Bernhardt."

Brian also add: "A lot of people 'restore' with tints, however, Lillian Gish told me the originals were hand-tinted, not just dipped in colours. Today, a lot of people simply do a quick digital wash, meaning the entire frame is a weird colour. Like all red, or all blue ... it is absurd. I would rather leave it in the pristine 'silver screen' black and white."

A little about ... SHE (1925) starring Betty Blythe ...
Betty Blythe (1893-1972) was one of the greatest "stars" of the silent screen. After her phenomenal success in the title role of the Biblical epic "The Queen of Sheba" (1921), followed by such lavish productions as "Chu Chin Chow" (1923) and "She" (1925), Betty was one of the most famous and (until she lost $15 million in the Wall Street Crash) wealthiest Hollywood stars in the world. Her subsequent international vaudeville tours and personal appearances broke box-office records, and her social life and circle of personal friends encompassed many of the most glittering personalities of her time. Her incidental achievements was discovering or helping to promote Ronald Colman, Fred Astaire, and Clark Gable. With the arrival of talkies she continued her film career playing supporting roles in Colleen Moore's "The Scarlet Letter" (1934) and Garbo's "Conquest (Marie Walewska)" (1937). Her final appearance was a brief cameo in "My Fair Lady" (1964).

Thursday, September 25, 2008

RARE Film available CLEOPATRA (1912)

Cleopatra (1912) starring Helen Gardner
Miss Gardner became a star playing Becky Sharp in Vitagraph's VANITY FAIR (1911). In early 1912, she launched her own independent production company, Helen Gardner Picture Players, and established a studio on the border between Old Tappan, NJ and Tappan, NY. Gardner was the first United States film star to form her own production company. Hers was the first company formed around a single star and the first dedicated solely to the production of full-length feature films, then a new and controversial idea.

Her first independent production was CLEOPATRA (1912), in which she also starred. CLEOPATRA was the country's first full-length, 6000' feature film. It won critical and popular acclaim and played for many years throughout the United States, Britain, Europe, and Russia.
A SISTER TO CARMEN (1913), Gardner's third independent production, was restored by her granddaughter, Dorin Gardner Schumacher, with the help of a grant from New York Women in Film and Television.

Because of the roles Gardner played in CLEOPATRA, A SISTER TO CARMEN and her other productions, she is considered the screen's first vamp. In addition to being an actress and pioneering producer, she was one of the earliest women scenarists, directors, and film editors.
From 1910 to 1924, Gardner appeared in at least 62 films, including the 10 independent features she produced. Sixteen of the films in which she appeared are known to survive, in whole or in part.

Cleopatra is fully restored and tinted with a modernistic score. One hour and twenty seven minutes.

5.99 plus 2.50 First Class Mail / Delivery Confirmation
To order using paypal, contact:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Old McCain and Ignorant Obama

Old means just that. Ignorant means lack of knowledge.
John McCain: How many homes do you own? "I don't know."
Obama: Do you remember Ted Kennedy and Chappequidick? "Don't you mean the Chatanooga Choo-Choo?"

John McCain is too old and too rich to make a connection with the common man of the U.S.A. He doesn't know how many homes he owns ... And somehow, I do NOT think he knows how many people have lost or who will lose their one and only home.

Obama pitches pipe dreams and ideologies. But realistically, factually and lawfully, the President has no power in changing instantaneously unemployment and the economy.

Large companies and their "executives" will always make more than their employees. They will line their pockets first. The President cannot make employers give more money to employees. The President cannot make companies hire more people at higher wages.

McCain cannot remember how many homes he has, but he can remember being a P.O.W. fifty years ago. His past should be honoured. But it cannot be the reason we entrust OUR future with him.

What are our choices? Who should be our choice to lead this Country?

If you ask the younger generation, depending upon where they live ... South or North ...
Obama paints a good picture. Yet, they do not remember Ted Kennedy and Chappequidick and have no reason to look into it ... They know of the name John F. Kennedy. They never heard of Ronald Reagan, Bette Davis ... and they only know Julie Andrews is the old Queen to that Princess. Some remember her as the lady who comes over the mountain singing.

As for John McCain - again, depending upon where the young person lives ... he is that old man. Or, he is better than the black dude.

May GOD help us all.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I sent the above postcard and the following data
to the Corporate Office of Franklin Bank.
This is FACT ~ based upon, in my opinion ~ what actually happened. Therefore, it is neither slanderous or libelous.
It is sad, and disheartening, but true nonetheless.
I am ever so sure YOU have been there too.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bank Manager
Franklin Bank

109 Cypress Creek Rd., Suite B1
Cedar Park, TX 78613-4477


Re: Employee Sylvia

Franklin Bank Employee - Pride? Prejudice? OR just disrespect and bad customer service ...

2pm ... my 72 year old Mother brought me to Franklin Bank. I needed a paper notarized as part of the documents I needed in order for me to sign my third year lease at Cypress Creek at Lakeline Apartments.

I have had three documents notarized at Franklin Bank, about three years ago, when I lived at Middle Brooks Gardens, which is right behind Franklin Bank.

I lived at Middle Brook three years. I moved to Cedar Park EXACTLY two years after 9/11. I had completed my almost 30 year adventure in New York, and after 9/11, I decided it was time to return to Texas. My folks are here. They live in Lago Vista. My older sister lives in Cedar Park while my younger sister lives in Liberty Hill.

Cedar Park, I learned, now that I have been here almost six years is a delightful mix .... a friendly place.

When I entered the bank, there were no customers. There weren't any customers at the drive-through either. The only people in the bank were three employees. I wonder if they remembered the bank camera was on ... I seemed to have interrupted their "coffee" break.

I smiled and said I needed something notarized. A lady, who later I would find out, whose name was Sylvia responded, "Do you have an account here?"

I told her No, but I have had it done here before. She said that couldn't possibly be true because they only notarize for people who have accounts at Franklin. But, she said she would make an exception.

I followed her into her office. She started looking through my paperwork. "What is this?" she asked.

I responded, "Did you read the first page?"

She said, "No. I'm looking at the other papers."

I started to talk about the neighborhood. How things had changed. She said she was not from around here. She also reminded me that they usually do not notarize for anyone other than people who have accounts. I said I have had it done here before. About three years ago. She said no one was left from those days, not even the manager.

She also said if I had something notarized there before, I wouldn't have signed it first.

I guess being over a half century old, I forgot.

She doubted my honesty twice. I went home, and I found several business cards given to me by the notary who worked at that bank and who had notarized my previous documents some three years ago. It is the ACTUAL Franklin Bank business card with her name, position, and notary.

I was not lying to Sylvia. Sylvia doubted my truthfulness.

I am a Christian. I am mature. I am always respectful. I am FROM AROUND HERE, Cedar Park.

Sylvia was NONE of the above. Maybe she was prejudiced against white people. Maybe she was mad that I interrupted her coffee break. (She did indicate the manager of the bank was not there). Maybe she was mad that she was getting older and that the years had not been so kind to her. Maybe she was mad that she had to drive so far to a job she obviously did not like nor was loyal to.

Or maybe she was mad that she and her gal-pals looked like an ad for low-end Wal-Mart clothing.

All I know is that in a day when banks are closing, people are losing their jobs ... SHE HAD NO RIGHT to be rude and disrespectful to me.

I sent a copy of this to the Corporate office of Franklin Bank as well as the actual business cards of the nice lady employee of Franklin Bank (from three years ago) who said they (Franklin Bank) notarizes for free for "their neighbors in Cedar Park."

I am glad Sylvia is "not from around here."

I would NOT want that ugly, rude lady to be my neighbor.

I am glad she is not from around here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Walgreens - Am I Imposing?

Is it an imposition for you to wait on me?
Is it an imposition for you to smile?
Is it an imposition for you to say thank you?
Is it an imposition to ask may I help you?
Well ...
But when you take my money without saying thank you ...
when you cash your pay check ...
Maybe it is an imposition for me to go to Walgreens.
Now it is time to check out CVS or Randalls.
I do not want to be an imposition to some of the rude employees of Walgreens ...

Monday, August 4, 2008

THE CHEATERS (1945) are RARE Christmas gem!

Billie Burke (Glinda THE WIZARD OF OZ) and Ona Munson (Belle Watling in GONE WITH THE WIND) in a RARE gem ~ THE CHEATERS (1945). Contact; for DVD information.

Dallas Hill & Brian Pinette are back!

Intl. Artist and Country-singsation DALLAS HILL and BRIAN PINETTE are back with their yearly misadventure ... a NEW CD. For information contact:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nigger! NIGGER! Nigger!

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: It's okay for people to say NIGGER! But not ALL people.

I think worldwide, Whoopi was at one time respected, loved and admired. People hung onto her every word when she joined the celestial stage of THE VIEW.

I am ashamed to say I was one of the loyal followers.

Whoopi and Sherri - go on and continue to use the NIGGER word. And when one of the little children in my racially mixed apartment complex screams "Nigger" at her little friends ... Everyone can say that "Whoopi says it's okay!"

One something is wrong, and should never have been used in the first place - why is right for some and not others?

Free speech. But free speech, like freedom was never free. All the people who died after being called that word, all those murdered after being called that word ...

How sad that Whoopi and Sherri honour their memories by saying that word.


It is hard to even type it, nonetheless say it.

But Whoopi and Sherri say it's okay.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Roasters Coffee Haven or HELL in Cedar Park, Texas

Upon entry, you look around and it seems nice enough. All the employees are quite young (under 21). They are scurrying to and fro, all smiles. I ordered my coffee and took it outside, in order to drink and continue my addictive cigaret habit. One of their young employees joined me.
I asked if it was nice working here. "It is okay." they said as they lit their cigaret. They told me of the young owners, who hailed from Idaho and Washington and how they are opening another coffee spot. They had one in their previous place of habitation. I asked if they were paid well.
"Hardly. If we work over 40 hours, we don't get overtime, we just get our low hourly pay."
I looked at this saddened young person and thought to myself. "Hmm, the owners aren't even Texans, but they plop themselves in the middle of Cedar Park, pay small wages and to boot, do not give overtime." I sighed and took a drag of my cigaret. I said, "That's nice they are making enough money to open another place."
I smiled as I walked away. "Have a good one." I said.
The employee only nodded.
I thought to myself. "Roasters really isn't a neighborhood place. For somewhere I read, maybe the Bible, 'treat others as you would like to be treated.'
I wonder if those young people will ever be able to open a coffee shack or get their own apartment, surely not on the salary Roasters pay.
When I got home, I realized I hadn't finished my coffee and I just left it there. Yet it really didn't matter.
I was saddened by the entire visit to Roasters.
Somehow, it made my heart hurt.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Is he racist like his Pastor? Or is he an idiot like his Pastor?
Cool to distance yourself after the FACT come out.
Just because you are the spawn of a mixed marriage doesn't make you "NOT prejudiced."
Only a racist idiot would claim that.
A very bad, maniacal man ... evil incarnate. Calculating and a liar and doer of misdeeds.
Is OBAMA the debble?

Friday, March 21, 2008


A Rose is still a rose - by any other name

An ILLEGAL alien is still an ILLEGAL alien, by any other name or terminology. A wetback was used to describe a person who entered this Country ILLEGALLY via the river.

Whether it be by foot, by truck, by van or sports car or boat or plane or bus, ILLEGAL entry is still illegal entry.

ILLEGAL means a law is being broken. Whether we agree with the law ... ILLEGAL means illegal.

Either way ... the fundamental fact is based upon the ILLEGAL entry.

So what is wrong with saying: "The wetback entered the Country illegally, whereby he is an ILLEGAL alien ..."

A crook is still a crook ... a criminal is still a criminal ... illegal alien is still illegal ... by any other name.

If you follow the law ... you will not be called anything.

Or you could be called a law abiding citizen or just someone who morally obeys the rules of a Country or a State or a City or the rules of your friends when you are in their house or the rules of the Church when you are in their congregation ....

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dallas Hill DOES IT AGAIN!

MOTHER (1978) Coleen Gray, Patsy Ruth Miller & Dallas Hill - RARE DVD

Filmed in 1978 at the Hotel Plaza, West University, Westbury Square ... "this little gem" was written, produced & directed by Brian Pinette for and with COLEEN GRAY ("Red River" w/John Wayne, "The Leech Woman"), DALLAS HILL "Top Model," Acclaimed Artist and as per Marge Crumbaker of the Houston Post "Country-singsation" and in her last film role PATSY RUTH MILLER (the original Esmeralda in Lon Chaney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame") who came out of a 30 year retirement to play the title role of "Mother."

World premiere at NYC's The Museum of Modern Art and a premie screening at The University of St. Thomas.

NOW on a double feature DVD. "Mother" (1978) and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (1923) w/Patsy and Lon Chaney.

Accepts all major credit cards via paypal. Email for information. Shipping included. $12.00.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Another STUPID remark from a REPUBLICAN from TEXAS.

Based upon FACT -- there is a 95% chance that your Son is in a Boy Scout troop with homosexual peers and/or an in-the-closet troop leader.

NOPE, you cannot catch anything.

The only thing that might be caught is the ignorant words of (I thought he was gay) Rick Perry, the simple-minded Governor of Texas.

Sort of, no, definitely reminds the world of the simpleton now in the White House.

The similarities are uncanny.

HOWEVER, thank GOD ... PERRY will NEVER be President.

Though, everyone I know and talk to - actually thought he was gay and still in the closet. Maybe it is just his demeanor.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

PEDERNALES = Thieves & Liars!

Followup to Pedernales. A "form" letter was sent to customers/members/owners, it is laughable:

"PEC is not a state agency but rather a corporation owned by its members, and as such it is not proper for the State Auditor's Office to conduct such an audit or utilize tax payer funds."

Pedernales decided to commission an auditor. They went on to state:

"In the final analysis, these serious issues require thoughtful and deliberate decision-making, and the Board is confident that our decision was in the best long-term interests of the Cooperative and its members."

I am a member/owner. NO member or owner was consulted. The decision was made exclusively by the Board. Is this the very Board that was caught with their pants down? Is this the very Board that caused this mess in the first place?

Along with 2,000+ member/owners, we flooded the IRS with demands that Pedernales be audited re: fraud/embezzlement, etc. Let them "turn down" the IRS. After all, they are a non-profit organization with rules, bylaws and provisions for that status.

They broke the rules.

I wouldn't believe them if their tongues came notarized ....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Randalls - Publicity Nightmare - Cedar Park, Texas


Randalls =
FECES, AIDS infected needles, USED oozing condoms ...

To date, three Randalls gas station employees were put in harms way, while management refuses to do anything.

Only weeks ago, a 65+ year old employee alerted management that his hand was cut open by plates of broken glass when he was doing one of his duties ... changing the trash bags at one of four garbage bins.

The employee suggested that signs be posted on the trash receptacles stating: "Paper and plastic bottles only."

While this would not totally detour customers, but it would alert them as to what items are the acceptable items that can be placed into the trash bins. As most, this is a 24 hour gas station with on-site attendant manning only 16 of the 24 hours.

Additionally, this would allow the on-site attendants to courteously remind patrons that any and all other type of debris are not acceptable, whereby they can indicate the posted signs.

Management insisted: "That is not good customer service."

A week later, another attendant jabs his arm with a rusty nail sticking out of a wooden plank.

The final straw was broken. On Ash Wednesday, an attendant noticed a customer at 8:14 at night placing a medium sized black, plastic bag into one of the receptacles. The attendant approached the customer while he was pumping gas. The customer had a cross of ashes on his forehead, as it was Ash Wednesday.

It was suggested to the customer that only paper and plastic items be placed into the trash cans. They were not intended for customers to "clean out their cars." The customer responded, "I paid for gas and I can clean out my car."

Before the attendant could explain about objects cutting and poking them, the attendant was jabbed in the hand by a pointy object. He started to bleed.

"Son of a bitch. What is in here? I am calling the police. I'm taking your license number and I am also going to sue you."

The attendant returned to the kiosk. His punctured hand was bleeding. He was scared.

Inside the bag -- two approximately 12 inch+ fish heads, gutted bodies and a barrage of fish bones.

"What if it was an AIDS infected needle?" asked the attendant to the Randalls night manager.

He then went on to explain that they have been asking that signs be posted.

The night manager smiled sympathetically and said, "It's not the customers fault, there were no signs.

WHAT sanity or humanity or world do we live in?

From shards of broken glass, feces on diapers, rusty nails, used condoms still oozing, fish guts and heads and bones and AIDS infected needles ...

WHEN WILL Randalls stop thinking about customer service?

Maybe after an employee is infected with AIDS or tetanus.

OR probably ... after a customer's small child decides to throw away their icee cup and they are punctured by an HIV infected needle.

The implications and lawsuits would be PROFOUND! The publicity would be an unending and unyielding NIGHTMARE

GOOD BUSINESS savvy would have Randalls management place the signs onto the trash bins.

At least ethically, this would help ease their minds when the inevitable billion dollar lawsuit is filed against BOTH the offending and rude customer and Randalls.

"Good customer service" does not mean an employee has to contract AIDS while performing their duties.

Luckily this injured and confused employee took digital photos of his hand, the dead fish and guts and wrote down the license plate number of that silver car with a description of the customer with the Catholic Church ashes upon his forehead.The same customer that went inside the store and complained to management that the gas station attendant was rude to him.

Let's hope the Police aren't too rude when they visit the middle aged man with the license plate number: X87WNZ.
This happened at the Cedar Park, Texas Randalls on the corner of Cypress Creek Road and S. Lakeline Blvd.

I hope this unhappy customer who was offended by the rude outburst of the injured employee has a Happy Easter.

WHY was he carrying fish entrails on Ash Wednesday anyway?

Maybe it's a new cult or trend?

You have the license plate number ... ask him.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

IN THE NAME OF JESUS - Impeach the liars BUSH & Cheney

Alert your Representative! Write Congress! CALL! Email! Text message ...


In the name of God and all that is good ... just do it. BEFORE it's too late.

Ten Reasons to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney

I ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and misinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


George was too busy funding and nurturing a war over 3/4 of America does not want or need to notice that HE personally was destroying not only America's leadership in this world, but America's economy.

While Rome burned, Nero fiddled.

GEORGE: Why weren't you paying attention to the needs of America, i.e., gas, economy? You were so damn busy killing our Fathers and Mothers, Sons and Daughters in a WAR we DO NOT want?

History will condemn you, as America condemns you now.

Too little, too late.

Friday, January 18, 2008

LIARS and CHEATS -- Pedernales Electric! SUE NOW!

Pedernales (PEC) - Member owned. Who is zooming who?
DEMAND an audit.
Non-profit organizations are gifted with exemptions, cost-saving via our taxes.
File your own lawsuit before it is too late.
"Lyndon B. Johnson, a 28-year-old Congressman, and E. Babe Smith, a Hill Country rancher, brought the region hope. Johnson lobbied the Roosevelt administration for funding and fought its population requirements while Smith canvassed the Hill Country to sign up farmers and ranchers for electric service. PEC’s early Board of Directors stand outside PEC headquarters with Lyndon B. Johnson." FROM THE PEC/Pedernales website.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Un-American? Communists? TRAITORS? LIARS?
Stand up citizenry of these great United States of America.
Contact your Congressman.
BE HONEST with yourself. Would you like Cheney or Bush to be your Son? Your Father? Your Uncle?
Are they really Americans? Are they doing the best for the great citizens who elected them? Who pay their salary?
OR are they filling their pockets with the dollars and lives of the honest, and decent and good and God-fearing citizens of these United States?

Cheney Impeachment Hearings Now!

In November 2007, the House of Representatives voted to send articles of impeachment on Dick Cheney to the Judiciary Committee, but the committee has not begun hearings.
If you are a Member of the Judiciary Committee, we urge you to contact Congressman Robert Wexler and sign onto his letter to Chairman John Conyers asking him to begin Cheney impeachment hearings.

If you are not a Judiciary Committee Member, we urge you to send your own letter to Congressman Conyers making the same request.

We are calling for hearings into possible impeachable offenses, not for co-sponsoring specific Articles of Impeachment. But these must be IMPEACHMENT hearings because the White House has ignored all of the subpoenas issued in non-impeachment hearings.

We are asking Congress at long last to stand up and assert its power, and that requires using the only form of accountability specified in the Constitution: Impeachment.

(Drawing: Satan, Sin and Death, by William Blake)

Friday, January 11, 2008

FOOLS DELIGHT! Austin American-Statesman

AUSTIN (self-proclaimed music capital of the world) AMERICAN-STATESMAN morons writing for the moronic.

Austin American-Statesman, 10th January, 2008

Michael Laosa, Publisher
Richard A. Oppel, Editor

"Making executions more humane"

"...We continue to support a sentence of life without parole as a viable alternative to execution. Texans will disagree over the daleth penalty, but we all should agree that when we execute people, it should be done as humanely as possible."

Reply to this IDIOT: Tell that to the dead victim who was only 12, raped and sodomized and then killed. Tell that to the victim's family, who have to hear how their 89 year old Mother was tied and beaten and her throat slashed.

Was that humane?

Do you know what humane was?

A few moments of a convicted killer pain cannot undo what has been done.

Let this happen to your loved one and then expound. Your rhetoric is absurd and borders on obscene.

By the way, the article to follow no your Editorials page was ...

"Dangerous game in Persion Gulf"

Austin, the self-proclaimed music Capital of the World ... what does that make The Austin American-Statesman? Where is the Persion Gulf? I know where the Persian Gulf is ...

It seems those with a voice just like to proclaim the absurd?

The believers need to keep buying this newspaper. Maybe then and only then, the Editors can afford to purchase a dictionary and a legitimate staff or writers as opposed to self-proclaimed authors or obvious wanna-bees. Perhaps use a spell check on the computer or hire a proofreader.

Austin is so busy self-proclaiming and basking in their own public relations wishlist, they are failing to actually deliver the goods they say they possess.

Slow down. Take your time.

You've come a long way. But you have an even longer way to go.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pedernales Electric Coop TEXAS - ANOTHER ENRON?


Attention IRS / Attorney General State of Texas

If PEC is a non-profit organization ...
as a legal citizen of these United States ...
as a member of PEC (member owned) and a user of "electricity" ...
as a tax-paying citizen of these United States and a tax paying legal resident of the State of Texas ...

I demand that the records of PEC be audited.

PEC offers no breaks or discounts for impoverished citizens or those in need ...

Yet, their cavalier attitude regarding their overpaid executives and "expense accounts" is communistic and un-American!

NON-PROFIT entity. "Subsidized."

What are the laws and regulations regarding non-profit entities?

Citizens and taxpayers have been defrauded.

What else is being covered up in their books?"

"The credit card information comes on the heels of disclosure of Fuelberg's 2007 total pay: $390,000 in salary and $1 million in deferred compensation. The Pedernales board of directors collectively received $1 million in pay and benefits in 2006, according to the most recent tax records. Ten of the 17 Pedernales directors serve in an advisory or nonvoting capacity.

The Statesman obtained copies of the credit card documents after they were released from the terms of a protective order issued last fall by state District Judge John Dietz. They are part of a lawsuit brought against Pedernales management by a group of members seeking to remove the board of directors and force changes in its governance and business practices. " By Claudia Grisales AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Sunday, January 06, 2008

ABOUT PEC (from PEC web site)

We’re Pedernales Electric, a private electric utility owned by the consumers we serve. Providing electricity to more than 220,000 members throughout 8,100 square miles, we are the largest electric cooperative in the United States. Our territory includes some of the fastest-growing counties in the state. We’ve been in the business of providing reliable electric service and outstanding customer care since 1938.

Pedernales Electric is proud of its heritage and excited about the possibilities the future may bring. We’ve illuminated cities and helped the Hill Country grow and prosper. PEC has weathered ice storms, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. At PEC, members are not only customers; they’re owners. That’s why Pedernales Electric strives to make doing business easier and more convenient. That’s also why PEC takes pride in getting involved in the communities we serve. Our overriding aim is always to provide reliable electricity and outstanding customer care to our members.