Attention IRS / Attorney General State of Texas
If PEC is a non-profit organization ...
as a legal citizen of these United States ...
as a member of PEC (member owned) and a user of "electricity" ...
as a tax-paying citizen of these United States and a tax paying legal resident of the State of Texas ...
I demand that the records of PEC be audited.
PEC offers no breaks or discounts for impoverished citizens or those in need ...
Yet, their cavalier attitude regarding their overpaid executives and "expense accounts" is communistic and un-American!
NON-PROFIT entity. "Subsidized."
What are the laws and regulations regarding non-profit entities?
Citizens and taxpayers have been defrauded.
What else is being covered up in their books?"
"The credit card information comes on the heels of disclosure of Fuelberg's 2007 total pay: $390,000 in salary and $1 million in deferred compensation. The Pedernales board of directors collectively received $1 million in pay and benefits in 2006, according to the most recent tax records. Ten of the 17 Pedernales directors serve in an advisory or nonvoting capacity.
The Statesman obtained copies of the credit card documents after they were released from the terms of a protective order issued last fall by state District Judge John Dietz. They are part of a lawsuit brought against Pedernales management by a group of members seeking to remove the board of directors and force changes in its governance and business practices. " By Claudia Grisales AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Sunday, January 06, 2008
ABOUT PEC (from PEC web site)
We’re Pedernales Electric, a private electric utility owned by the consumers we serve. Providing electricity to more than 220,000 members throughout 8,100 square miles, we are the largest electric cooperative in the United States. Our territory includes some of the fastest-growing counties in the state. We’ve been in the business of providing reliable electric service and outstanding customer care since 1938.
Pedernales Electric is proud of its heritage and excited about the possibilities the future may bring. We’ve illuminated cities and helped the Hill Country grow and prosper. PEC has weathered ice storms, tornadoes, floods, and droughts. At PEC, members are not only customers; they’re owners. That’s why Pedernales Electric strives to make doing business easier and more convenient. That’s also why PEC takes pride in getting involved in the communities we serve. Our overriding aim is always to provide reliable electricity and outstanding customer care to our members.
1 comment:
One correction: You are right when you say that PEC does not offer discounts to impoverished members. However, what you fail to point out is that PEC does set aside $500,000 dollars a year to help members who find themselves in financial need. The money is available to every PEC members, regardless of age, income or extreme weather conditions. All the members have to do is contact a community action agency in their county. A phone call to the coops toll free number will help members determine which agency they need to contact.
If you are going to complain, cover all the facts, not just the ones that support your point of view.
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