Friday, February 19, 2010

Anti-trust laws violated & Freedom of Speech - EBAY

Oddly, EBAY allows buyers to rant and rave in their "feedback" regarding their purchase. Whether it be true or false, accurate or inaccurate. Yet, since EBAY now ONLY allows a Seller to leave Positive Feedback for a Seller it is a bit fraudulent.

If you try to leave negative feedback for a buyer - EBAY instantly steps in and indicates you have gone against their policy.

Their policy is that you cannot be honest and express yourself regarding your interaction with a Buyer. EBAY censors your opinion, your honesty.

EBAY disregards the anti-trust law, i.e., EBAY owns Paypal. Paypal is the method which Buyers pay the Seller. EBAY charges the Seller to list, then takes a percentage of each sale and then Paypal charges the Seller to accept the money from the Buyer.

EBAY is allowed to violate Federal Anti-Trust Laws. EBAY is allowed to violate Constitutional rights.

BUT - not for long - several Attorney Generals, Consumer Affairs - in (so far) six States are have lawsuits pending regarding EBAY's violation of Constitutional Rights and Federal Law.

In a nutshell - does EBAY discriminate? Does EBAY violate your Constitutional Rights?

It is a FACT - Sellers are abandoning EBAY. Does discrimination, violation of basic rights play a part?

Many say - YES.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

BILL NYE "The Science Fool" on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow ~ Two idiots for the price of one!

BILL NYE "The Science Fool" on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow ~ Two idiots for the price of one!

“The main thing is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change got a Nobel Prize,” Nye said. “They got a scientific prize for making a discovery. They didn't get a minor award. This is a big deal. They discovered climate change, through all kinds of evidence, and it's something we should all be very, very concerned about.”

“This thing, of denying science – you know, science has done so much to make this country what it is, a technological leader,” Nye said. “It's improved the quality of life for so many people, here and around the world. To deny what scientists or scientific evidence is showing, is inappropriate. And as I said earlier, to me, when I get wound up, it's unpatriotic.”

1. Obama got a Nobel prize, too.

2. Unpatriotic to QUESTION the ClimateGate scandal, which showed that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists manipulated data and conspired to destroy information to further the cause of global warming alarmism ...

Odd - how the word unpatriotic un-American, anti-America are bandied about nowadays.

If you do NOT believe as I do - you are a heretic and should be burned at the stake.

That was once the belief of some highly educated people do.

Believe as I do or be damned.

Believe as I do or be un-patriotic.

It is my belief, as well as millions of others - Bill Nye is an idiot.

Nye is NOT the mouthpiece of Scientists nor the mouthpiece of America or Americans.

Nye is just a piece ....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pasty faced cherub-doughboy Robert Gibbs makes fun of Sarah Pallin

Robert Gibbs, the cherubic doughboy and mouthpiece of Prez makes fun of Pallin.

Prez says one thing, Gibbs says and acts out another.

Work together.

Proof that the Democrats don't know what the left hand is doing while the right hand gives the American people the finger.

Prez needs to clean house. Arrogant cherub Gibbs has got to go.

Unite America. Clean house.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Roberts Gibbs - typical Democrat Arrogance!

Why is Robert Gibbs making fun of the tea party movement?

The people he makes fun of are Americans who do not agree with the Democrats and their policies.

SO - if you disagree with Obama and Gibbs and Pelosi - you are considered what?

Agree or be damned.

America is freedom. Freedom to agree and freedom to disagree.

The Democrats IGNORE and try to thwart the American Constitution.

That seems to be the only issue EVERYONE can agree upon.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Many people are RETARDS! Know what it means before you speak ...

re⋅tard  /rɪˈtɑrd, for 1–3, 5; ˈritɑrd for 4/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4] Show IPA
–verb (used with object) 1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

–verb (used without object) 2. to be delayed.

–noun 3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
4. Slang: Disparaging. a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

5. Automotive, Machinery. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Joan Walsh - a name CALLER!


This gal was on Hardball (MSNBC) debating with Pat Robertson. She called those in the Tea Party ... who "demonize" the President as "birthers" and some other name.

Pat Robertson wisely indicated to her that by her name calling, she is discrediting Americans ...

So true!

In AMERICA - WE THE PEOPLE have the right to speak up. Whether I like what you say, I will defend your right to say it. I won't call you a name for your beliefs, for your religion, for your sexual preference.


Even though I might believe in my heart of hearts she is an illogical idiot for calling people names just because they do not believe what she says - I would not call her those names on TV.

Even though I find her physically ugly, I would not be hurtful and call her that on national TV.

Or maybe I would ...

Democrats steal future of our children!

Arrogant Democrats.
You thought you knew better than the people who voted for you.
WE THE PEOPLE voted on Obama because of his promises.
Lies. Promises broken.
No transparency.
What is apparent - people are fed up.
People are hungry.
People are tired.
People are scared.
Where are the jobs?
You bailed out everyone but the people.
You used the people's money for the bail-outs.
YOU have stolen the future of our children.

OBAMA - Shut-up already! No more talk. AMERICANS need action.

Obama and the Democrats blame the Republicans for standing in the way of health care reform.
The Democrats are STILL the majority.
The Democrat in-fighting are blocking the health care reform.
Tell the truth.
The TRUTH is never a lie.
Does the truth set you free?
In-fighting, in-breeding -- whatever, the Democrats are causing a STANDSTILL in America.
Time to get rid of the "fools on the hill."
OBAMA - one term Prez!
Time for a CHANGE with GENUINE transparency.
No more lies, fool.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Call Obama out for lying again and again and again

Congress, mostly Democrats - are still at standstill.
However, their tongues are not.
Still blaming Bush.
Blaming the Republicans.
When does the blaming stop?
Is anyone responsible for their own actions, anymore?
If you're obese - blame fast food joints.
If you're disruptive or homicidal - blame some new disorder.
Do NOT under any circumstances blame yourself for your own actions.
Teach your children - "Never accept responsibility for your own actions. BLAME SOMEONE ELSE."
The President blames someone else.
The Congress ... the Democrats blame someone else.
Who is to blame?
WE THE PEOPLE who elected the fools who are blaming everyone else.
WE the People elected those fools because those fools promised to do a job.
If they do not deliver on their promises - do not be a fool - do NOT re-elect them.
WE THE PEOPLE - hold the cards.
Don't play the blame game with Prez Hussein Obama and the Democrats.
If they do not produce - if they do not do their job - DO NOT RE-ELECT.

"Explain it clearly, do it openly." says the President on Wednesday, February 03, 2010.

Odd HE should say that. To date, there has been no transparency in his administration.
The lying game.
Well - that's another story. Another sad but true tale to tell.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Terry Teachout - Outrageous remarks re: Louis Armstrong

Watching Q&A on CSPAN, I had the misfortune to "happen upon" Terry Teachout - a pompous, wannabee author - and his pontificating about his book Louis Armstrong.

Armstrong is a legend. A legend of entertainment.

To sum it up, here is an email I wrote to Q&A at CSPAN.

Monday, 2/1/10.

RE: Terry Teachout

What an outrage and a foolish and arrogant claim.

I knew Louis Armstrong for a few decades.

His sterility and/or virility never came up.

How can that silly, pompous and arrogant man make a claim that he believed Louis Armstrong was sterile, regardless of his marijuana usage.

Therefore, based upon Terry Teachout's obesity, I believe, he too is sterile.

This remark, on its face, invalidates his book - prior to anyone reading it.

Too bad - Louis Armstrong was/is a giant in his field and entertainment.