Thursday, August 29, 2013

To the world, Obama IS a rodeo CLOWN!

To the world, Obama IS a rodeo CLOWN!

Obama drew a fake red-line in the sand!

He has no coalition to air-strike Syria.

Countries are abandoning Obama. NOT America.

Foreign Countries and their citizenry deem Obama a fool!

Obama owns a failed economy!

Obama picks and chooses which laws he should uphold! (EVERY President in history swore to uphold the Constitution -- Obama blatantly spits upon it!)

The United States is NOT Barack Obama. Barack Hussein Obama does NOT speak for all Americans..

Obama is a glitch in the system!

Obama is NOT for family family values, American tradition.

Obama supports Muslims, Islam OVER Christianity!

His Obamacare “law” was intended to be bait and switch! The Supreme Court, against human logic turned Obamacare into a tax.

Obama forced Americans to get his version of health care. This is like Obama forcing Americans to watch a certain TV show. Demanding Americans to no longer use hair color ... forcing Americans ... dictating to Americans what to choose ...

Obama agenda is to topple America.

FACT: Obama has made his millions. He uses his political & Presidential powers to game America and to game his voter base.

Obama has diminished America.

On Obama’s watch -

America had its first Credit downgrade.

He has made America - the once greatest Country upon this earth -- a laughing stock. A butt of many, many jokes.

Obama cares only for himself and realistically, I am not sure he cares for his own family brood. He is never at home in The White House (which is own temporary loan from WE the People).

Obama is always on Airforce One or on the bus re-campaigning for his failed policies.

The above facts are well-documented.

WE the People are NOT better off with Obama.

 He is a failed man --

and failed President.

I am not sure which is worse.