Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nigger! NIGGER! Nigger!

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: It's okay for people to say NIGGER! But not ALL people.

I think worldwide, Whoopi was at one time respected, loved and admired. People hung onto her every word when she joined the celestial stage of THE VIEW.

I am ashamed to say I was one of the loyal followers.

Whoopi and Sherri - go on and continue to use the NIGGER word. And when one of the little children in my racially mixed apartment complex screams "Nigger" at her little friends ... Everyone can say that "Whoopi says it's okay!"

One something is wrong, and should never have been used in the first place - why is right for some and not others?

Free speech. But free speech, like freedom was never free. All the people who died after being called that word, all those murdered after being called that word ...

How sad that Whoopi and Sherri honour their memories by saying that word.


It is hard to even type it, nonetheless say it.

But Whoopi and Sherri say it's okay.

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