"Elections matter." says Obama. "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president," he told ABC's "World News" anchor Diane Sawyer
To date - Prez Hussein Obama is neither mediocre nor really good. He is arrogantly out-of-touch.
His supremacist attitude and demeanor indicate that HE believes he and his constituents are on the right track - regardless of the fact 80+ percent of Americans disagree.
Like Marie Antoinette - his "Let them eat cake" attitude is profound.
Poor Marie actually believed the poor were eating cake.
Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi do not walk in the shoes of most Americans.
They do not understand what it means to be insecure in their job longevity ...
they do not know how it feels to be stressed and frightened over the welfare of their families ...
they are not scrambling to figure out how to pay rent, bills, school, college ...
they are not at a loss trying to fathom how to turn a buck into three square meals for a family of four ...
Inevitably, Americans can and will survive. Historically - Americans have survived wars, famine, global threats, loss, laughter and tears ...
Americans will survive this interim era of bad leadership ...
The Congress and the Senate work independently. Up on the Hill - they don't even consider what the Americans are thinking, saying ...
Nancy Pelosi is too consumed by botox - it has reeked havoc on her disjointed brain cells.
Obama is just not getting it - his mail order degree in Public Speaking 101 - indicates he did not earn his degree with honors. He is disingenuous. Or as the children say: "He's lying again."
Times change - winds continue to blow ...
Soon, their regime will just be a horrid memory ... an unsightly blemish on American history.
But Americans will overcome.
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