Democrats insist it is un-American to disagree with the signing of the Obama-care law.
I thought in America - you had the right to voice your opinion.
Democrats seem to believe that illegal aliens are more American - have more rights than "legal" Americans ...
Once - there was the North versus the South. Ideology. Difference of belief, opinions ...
There was an American Revolution.
There was a Civil War.
For good or bad - ALL societies, all countries - all NATIONS have evolved through change - whether it be by the voice of the people or the actions of the people.
It would be sad, however, for a change or an upheaval of the current government system to be realized via violence.
A war within would not help anyone.
A war of words, however, for good or bad - politically correct or incorrect - YES - let that stand. There are two sides to every issue. There can be TWO rights. Just because a person disagree with you - does NOT make you wrong. Your opinion is not invalidated by another opinion.
Stand firm.
Believe what you believe.
Otherwise - walk away - change the channel.
What you CANNOT walk away from is the FACT that Americans ARE demanding change.
Too much government.
People need to be responsible for their own actions.
WE - the people are the government.
Effective change starts with WE the People.
P.S. Civil Disobedience / Violence
It is neither un-American or anti-American to effect change with rhetoric OR violence.
If WE the PEOPLE are not heeded are not listened to by the very people we put into office ... if we are not listened to, if we are ignored by the very people whose salaries we pay - DO NOT RE-ELECT them - fire them.
However, to state that violent acts and violent rhetoric is un-American and anti-American - then you must say that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln et al - were anti-American ... un-American.
THEY effected change through revolution - through war.
It happened in EVERY civilized country throughout history.
It COULD happen again ... America - a war from within - is not so fanciful or elusive as one would think or would like to think.
When people are tired and scared and hungry and jobless ... when people are desperate to feed and to keep their families together ... when all honourable means of trying to seek work are for naught ... AND
ALL THE WHILE we hear of government bail outs to banks and Fannie Mae and AIG and yet, their employees are receiving bonuses of millions ... paid for by TAX-payer dollars ... people should be ...
MAD AS HELL - and we're not going to take it anymore.
... Governed by the people, for the people.
NOT governed by an arrogant aristocracy who think they know best.
If they know best - why weren't they on duty, why weren't they watching out while everything was going down "the crapper?"
Time for a revolution?
Time for an evolution?
TIME is not always on the side of the mild and meek and honest.
NOTE: THE ED SHOW - believe as I do or be damned. Ed screams at his guests when they do not agree with him. Sounds like un-American, right Mr. Ed?
Mr, Ed - MSNBC - EXACTLY like the talking horse? If you don't agree with him, he whines & neighs.. SAD.