U.S. is now a welfare Nation
No more work hard for your money to support you and your family.
You can have a family and not work at all - the Government will pay for it.
YOU are entitled.
No more work hard for your money to buy a house.
If you want a house - the Government will buy you one.
No more work hard for the money to buy anything.
The Government will buy it for you.
WE the PEOPLE are the government. Our tax dollars fund the government.
WE the people pay the Salaries of the elected political figures who create laws and policies.
Therefore, why is it that a majority of Americans believe the government should pay for them - but alas, not pay for others.
Nothing is free.
What the Government "gives" some - is directly paid for by others.
There is no free ride. No free housing. No free health care. No free food.
Free from some because it is paid for by others.
Why should others pay for some? Why should some get a free ride and others buy their token for the subway?
There will always be someone richer than you, poorer than you, prettier than you, smaller than you, taller than you ---- that is life. Luck of the draw.
Life at life's terms.
Unplanned pregnancy among poor women has risen. That is not anyone's fault other than the woman who lies down and opens her legs.
No one is forcing her to have sex and/or get pregnant.
Condoms are sold in convenience stores next to the aspirin, right before you get to the beer cooler.
The rich and poor know exactly what aisle to go down to go to the beer cooler.
Then wake up - take a different aisle and alas, there are the condoms.
Bypass the slurpee or the potato chips or the fritos or the 40 ounce - buy condoms.
If you can't afford your rent for yourself - then you can't afford a child.
Close your legs.
Democrats want you to be dependent upon them.
Democrats want you to remain on the plantation. They will oversee that you get what you need.
You will get what you need - but not always what you want.
Democrats will tell you - here is how much we will give you for one child, here is how much you get if you have two, or three or four or more.
And if you have five, then you are eligible to live in a tenement - next to the railroad tracks for free.
Democrats will give you a hand out. They will never allow you to touch "their" hand for a hands up.
They will oversee you.
They want you to stay on their plantation.
They want your vote.
Just vote for Democrats.
Obey their mastery of language.
They will give you a hand out.
You will get a piece of their pie.
But you can't eat the pie in their house.
Remember, the rich Democrat lives on the mansion atop the hill.
The Democrat gave you a tenement to live in - next to the railroad track.
You only get a piece of their pie.
It's their pie.
Democrats want to make sure - it is never your pie ...
as you live in the tenement next to the railroad track ...
looking at their mansion atop the hill.
Eating the piece of pie they gave you ...
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