BEING A LOUD MOUTH and talking loud and shouting and stomping your feet doesn't make what you are saying true!
Remember: Big-mouth AL SHARPTON as "adviser" to "lying rape victim!"
After hearing evidence, a grand jury concluded in October 1988 that Tawana Brawley had not been the victim of a forcible sexual assault and that she herself may have created the appearance of an attack.
The New York prosecutor whom Brawley accused as one of her alleged assailants successfully sued Brawley and her three advisers for defamation.
Brawley initially received considerable support from the African-American community. Some scholars suggested that Brawley was victimized by biased reporting that adhered to racial stereotypes.
The mainstream media's coverage drew heated criticism from the African-American press and leaders for its treatment of the teenager.
The outcome of the grand jury decreased support for Brawley and her advisers. Brawley's family has maintained that the allegations were true.
NOW - it's about Michael Jackson.
The almost bankrupt California taxpayers have to dole out money for the memorial.
Michael was a talented pop stars of the 1970s and 1980s. He hasn't had a hit in almost 20 years. He was from the Madonna, Billy Idol, Duran Duran MTV generation. MTV was just starting and it helped create the aforementioned.
Madonna kept re-inventing herself.
Michael kept getting involved with allegations of child molestation, pedophilia, etc. He settled out of court for millions on one case. Acquitted on others.
Like many stars - he has a personal life.
He DID not walk on water.
He was a pop star and will be remembered in his early years for being just that.
Factually and historically, like O.J. Simpson, he was accused of and acquitted of crimes in a legal Court with a judge and jury. Regardless of the outcome, we was accused.
That will play a part in his history and in the memory of Michael since the onset of his career.
For good or bad - that fact and that truth shall remain.
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