"I've been late to work. I've burned meals. I've gotten into debates and arguments ... I quote from ... Did you see ... Yes, I saw .... Can you believe .... What an idiot .... She is cool! ...."
THE VIEW - 10 years plus
A daytime staple for over a decade is Barbara Walters THE VIEW. A few of the women have changed, but the staples remain ... Barbara Walters and Joy Behar. Currently, the outspoken Angel & "devil's advocate" Whoopi Goldberg is a regular as is the sweet and hilarious Sherri Shepherd. Perhaps Elisabeth Hasselbeck will return ...
Over the years THE VIEW has seen different points of view. A funny, but often rude comedienne came and went. Her theme seemed to be I'm a frumpy lesbian, so I must always be right. I believe she thought she was Queen of the View. Or Queen for the Day. Lesbian or straight, frumpy or statuesque, she was just rude and serf-serving. Her talent was being wasted, anyway ....
What makes THE VIEW viewable is the ensemble. Everyone has a different point of view, yet as friends do, they debate, they argue, they pout and sometimes shout ... yet they get over it and move on. If you cannot get over it and move on, it is rightful that you move out, before you are evicted.
Great chemistry for viewing without raising the blood pressure too high. The topics are topical. Sometimes, provocative and controversial and other times, hilariously absurd.
That is why THE VIEW works. For men and women, young and old. "The Golden Girls" meet "Designing Women" meet "Green Acres." A little bit about everything. Everybody is always talking. Everybody is always listening ... to each other.
Sometimes we are enlightened, sometimes we smile and even shed a tear ... it's just a view of life. A few points of view. I am ever so grateful for their pearls of wisdom and their keen insights. They all have the ability to shed light onto otherwise darkened corners. They use their God-given gifts wisely.
To another ten years of viewing ... THE VIEW on ABC.
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