Dysfunctional-disconnected broken U.S. govt.
Time for a real change WE can believe & have faith in.
These fools ON-the-HILL .... career politicians ain't listening to the American people who pay their salaries.
They are profoundly disconnected from the real realities, it is profound.
This is why there are revolutions.
When people are worried and stressed out about their jobs, their livelihood - paying for food for their family ... trying to keep a job or trying to find a job ..;.
The Politicians are among the lucky ones.
They receive a paycheck.
They have a job.
They have a career!
It is time to re-think and re-evaluate this.
Time to LIMIT their terms.
Maybe it is time to evaluate them.
If they fail the evaluation - FIRE THEM!
If you were the employer, and WE THE PEOPLE are their employer - if they do not do what they were hired to do - fire them.
We cannot allow lifelong, career politicians to decide what is best for WE THE PEOPLE. They are proving they value their re-election more than what is best for the people ....
Change is good.