Sad Truth: Soldiers Will Return to Unemployment!
As of today - U.S. unemployment is 9%. Among his many promises. President Obama indicated this would never happen. But it did happen - it happened on his watch.
His grasp of fixing the economy - his rhetoric and his actions have failed.
The "stimulus" to big corporations and bailouts of banks - well, many, many companies did get billions of tax payer dollars, however, Obama & his Pelosi & Reid...
... NEVER stipulated to those who received bail-outs - "some of the money is to be used for job stimulation or creation of jobs."
Their agenda failed - remember the line - "Sign it now read it later!." a direct quote of Nancy Pelosi regarding Obama-care - the monster healthcare bill.
All of this political incorrectness that went on behind-the-scenes, regardless that Obama promised transparency - has led us to today ....
A profoundly sad truth - if all our beloved heroes, all our beloved soldiers would return to the U.S. TODAY - the majority would be facing unemployment.
I recently had a 22 year old roomate who returned from Iraq after his tour of duty.
He lived. Therefore, he was able to go to College . The U.S. army offers "College" when you sign-up ... they will pay for your college. What they don't state is that they do not expect you to survive your tour of duty.
My friend survived. He returned from his tour of duty. He turned 22. He is currently attending Austin community College to get his degree in business.
He found a part-time job moving furniture. That didn't last. It conflicted with the hours he needed to be in class ...
Remember- he did his 3 year tour in Iraq - in the line of fire - his tour of duty.
He DID survive - he lived.
He is going to school. He has a beautiful girlfriend.
He is currently unemployed.
He lived.
BUT - if all the soldiers, all the fighting men and women returned home TODAY - would they be UNEMPLOYED TOMORROW?
If they returned home today - would they be able to pay their rent for an apartment?
Would they be able to find a job and set up house?
When Johnny comes marching home .... will Johnny have a home to return to that hasn't been foreclosed?
In America - this land of opportunity? In this great, great Country ....
It would break my heart to be an employer - to tell a "war vet" -
I'm sorry Mam, we're not hiring.
I'm sorry Sir, I'm sorry Son - we're not hiring.
Oh yes - welcome back. How was Iraq? How was Afghanistan?
But - we're not hiring.
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