OBAMA was born in America but he is not for Americans or America!
But you can be for whomever you want - after all this IS America - and in theory, the land of the free and the home of ...
Obama on his re-election campaign trail stopped in Texas yesterday to pander ...
BUT please note: Obama outright lied to Texans & the Nation re: Border Control.
Immigrants do make America great. Immigrants who came to this Country, America - have made this Country unique and profoundly unlike any Country on earth.
These immigrants, however, came here legally.
Obama says to make immigration easier. "We need to provide them the chance."
The chance does not mean amnesty.
"Splitting families apart." Obama says about immigration.
No Obama. They are split apart because most have entered either legally or illegally and they want the balance of their families to be with them.
CORRECT: If they entered legally, then the balance of their family can proceed following the same process.
If they entered illegally, by the term illegal - they have no citizenship rights - therefore, why bring more illegals, family or not - to live in America?
OBAMA - you make no sense.
What you are doing OBAMA is pandering to the lowest denominator in your bid for re-election.
You are playing every despicable card in your hand to ensure you win.
You are purposely dividing this country by economic status, race, ethnicity.
YOU are an opportunist - thinking not of America - but of your own political agenda.
Shame on you.
This is not a race issue - this is an American issue - and true Americans have no race, creed ... they are Americans. LEGAL Americans .... And you do not have to be born in this great Country to be legal.
Like the immigrants of yore - stand in line, pass the test ... and you will always be welcome.
By breaking the rules at the onset, concludes only one thing ...
Think about it!
Obama does not care about America - his concern is only his political career.
FACT: See who Obama is surrounding himself with. His past & present co-horts.
Ask not what your Country can do for you - but what you can do for your Country.
Obama is thinking only what the Country can do for him ~ to further his political agenda.
America and Americans MUST come first.
A government for the people - by the people.
WE the PEOPLE ... We are the people. We ARE America!
Obama is a creating a divide in this Country - do NOT ALLOW this divide to become too wide!
If he wants a socio-economic war, a war between ethnicity, diversity, race, creed, religion ...
People - Americans - ALL Americans - VOTE -
But know the facts, in your mind and heart - be an educated VOTER!
Obama has proven he is not a leader.
Unemployment still 9%.
Americans are suffering - yet billions are still being sent to Pakistan, Afghanistan.
VOTE this man out!
Or VOTE this man back in! But now you know who he really is. His true colors are forever changing. His ideology is forever changing ... he will say and do anything to get re-elected. He will pander to whoever he believes will further his political career.
OBAMA was born in America - but he is not for Americans or America!
Just VOTE!
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