Life at Life's Terms - Deficit, Economy, USA
Some things just happen because they were meant to happen.
We are borne. We get older. We inevitably die.
Yesterday is past. Tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, whereby it is the "present."
Some people who are lucky - have loved and have been loved by others.
Some walk alone.
People enjoy things that are constant. Stable. People are creatures of habit.
A routine for some is getting up in the morning. You may or may not have your first cigaret upon waking or you wait 'til you shit, shower and shave ... but it is a routine. Socks before your pants or socks on after your pants.
Things happen. Things change, that is inevitable.
As a member of the wonder citizenry of this great U.S.A., more often than not, we the people take things for granted.
But I stopped one night and couldn't help but think - WE the PEOPLE did not 'cause this deficit.
WE the PEOPLE did not vote or have input to have our beloved sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, Mothers and Fathers fighting in foreign lands.
When people voted for George Bush, they voted him into office for what they believed he believed in. They voted him into office for his ideologies and prospects for tomorrow.
We did not vote him into the office of the Presidency knowing in advance he would send this Country to war.
Those who voted for Barack Hussein Obama did not know he would have the largest deficit in the history of the United States. No one knew he too would use American air power for yet another war.
First and foremost with any war - it is the loss of human life. That is human tragedy on parade.
Second - and now at the forefront - war has a cost more than human lives.
There is a profound economic cost.
There is a profound economic cost every time we hear that the Secretary of State has just promised billions of tax payer dollars to a Country that hates us.
There is profound economic repercussions when the Presidents sends soldiers to fight or just soldiers in planes to bomb .... that too, costs taxpayer dollars.
I found it sadly profound the liberty the political leaders take with the American taxpayer dollars.
THEY are elected by WE the PEOPLE. They are elected for specific purposes and promises.
Americans did NOT write a blank check saying, "We elected you, now spend as much of our money are you want."
Politicians, including Presidents seem to enjoy kissing ass. They enjoy giving money and aid to other countries.
Charity, I thought, begins at home.
Presidents allow taxpayers dollars to be used to build schools, intra-structure for other Countries. TAXPAYER dollars are used to develop tools for citizenry of other countries to get their education .... and then, these Presidents, these Politicians who gave away all Taxpayer dollars to others .... scramble to try and keep America solvent.
The Politicians caused this profound deficit in America.
They used taxpayer dollars as if it grew on trees.
They lied, cheated and literally stole the future of America.
Maybe it will work out. Maybe our children's children will not have such a deficit. Maybe they will have a better tomorrow ....
HOWEVER - the Politicians literally signed a death warrant to all of us who struggle today to put food on the table, find a job, stay afloat.
They gave tax payer dollars to large banks and companies .... they bailed out everyone but the little American taxpayer.
The USA government took our money without asking.
Now - well ... look what they've done ....
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