Every time WE the People's taxpayer dollars "launch a drone" in Libya - our Economic security & future is being blown up.
John McCain - states "Maybe America isn't doing all it can." (Libya)
Old man - get wise. America is going broke.
America is not the world police.
How can America help others if it cannot help itself. If America cannot get its financial house in order - it cannot help others.
If America doesn't fix itself today - there will be no future for the children - then, realistically, there will be no America.
If we are not careful - America will no longer be the Amierca we know, we knew - the America which was founde upon three principles, life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
There might be an America - but in name only - as we will me owned by China.
No longer will we have to worry about items with the stamp or sticker Made in China.
It will be un-made by China. A Brand stamped on the forehead of each and every future child born in the U.S.A.
FACT: If America fails financially - so will every Country. American dollars are the reserve monies, the reserve currency for other Countries.
You're not the President old man McCain - mind your own business!
Libya is NOT an American war.
Every time WE the People's taxpayer dollars "launch a drone" in Libya - our Economic security & future is being blown up.
Americans as most people are Optimistic - but - REALISTIC too!
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