Criticize George Bush, ok - not racist! Criticize Obama - NOT ok - racist!
"We are living in a very serious time." says Obama to Oprah. After the show - he boarded a plane for New York to generate funding for his re-election campaign.
Obama, like many Presidents is criticized by many people for various reasons. Just like EVERY President was and still is criticized - throughout the history of this Country.
I voted for George Bush twce. During and after his Presidency - in my many decades of life - I have never heard so many people being so disrespectful to a President. Myself included when it came to his bogus "war."
In my early years - I heard President Carter being referred to as a Hillbilly Peanut Farmer - I heard tell the the Hillbillies have moved to the White House.
President Reagan, who I also voted for - until recently was a fave President for everyone to disrespect. Same way with his beloved wife.
I liked that duo then and now. I have framed my invitation to their inauguration.
But now - President Reagan is a role model. I hear the Reagan bashers on TV - wow, if they would just look back at themselves at what they said during & after his Presidency ... hypocrites!
But the rhetoric by the media - in print and on TV regarding George Bush during his Presidency and especially after is so harsh and profoundly rude and disrespectful - it is shameful.
Now - Whoopi Goldberg says "I am calling it was it is. I'm playing the race card."
Why is it racist that people disagree with the means and the methods of Obama's leadership or lack there of?
Maybe it is just because some people do not believe he is doing a good job and that is why they criticize him.
People were not hesitant to say George Bush was not doing a good job.
And today - I can hear it now - "you see, I was right." He wasn't doing a good job.
Everyone loves rallying around to bash Bush.
Yet - you bash Obama or criticize Obama - you are racist.
Maybe Obama is being measured & judged and criticized because that is what people believe, feel - about the promises he made, the promises un-kept - the perception that he is not being serious about the economy and the deficit.
Every time George Bush played golf it was as if the world ended.
Every time Obama played basketball it was as if the world ended.
Every thing being said today about Obama - and I compiled a list - you can easily take Obama's name out and insert George Bush's name.
Why has everyone forgotten what they read and heard people say about Bush?
Oh, I guess it is okay to say awful things ... disrespectful things about Bush, because he is white.
Opinions are subjective. Are we supposed to be less critical or not critical at all because Obama is the first black President?
Being the first black President - is he supposed to or is he entitled to get a pass on criticism?
In the U.K. - the criticism of the Queen is not sexist. They say what they feel about her and her son Prince Charles. I remember reading an awful lot of hateful things.
When I lived in New York, I was proud to vote for President Bush, twice. I would do it again.
But what People said about this man was profoundly bad.
Not only did they say bad things about him, but they said bad things about the State of Texas.
Were all of these people racists because they hated white Texans?
If WE the PEOPLE have to be careful what we believe .... if WE the PEOPLE have to filter our rhetoric or our criticism -
- this is not just political correctness run amok - this is absurd.
We ALL speak out and shout "Freedom of Speech" and it seems some are so quick to say RACIST.
I don't always agree with what people say - but as most true Americans - they do and will defend 'til their own death - your right to speak your mind.
Why do you think all our beloved men and women soldiers are dying in other Countries?
Many are dying for the the Citizenry of other Countries - so THEY too can have the freedom to speak out and criticize their own governments without being killed, shot at or ostracized.
Not everything is racist or is it?
If you do not like Julie Andrews - are you anti-British? Or maybe you prefer Barbra Streisand.
If you do not like a Barbra Streisand are you anti semitic? Maybe you prefer the singing of Julie Andrews.
If you do not like Hugh Hefner are you anti-heterosexual? Or maybe you think he is just too tall.
If you do not like a Whoopi Goldberg movie are you racist? Or maybe you just don't think she can act?
If you don't like Mary Pickford does that mean you are anti-Silent films? Or does that mean you don't know who she is?
Actually, if you can't say something good about someone - don't say it at all ....
please, the entire world would be silenced.
People have criticisms, people have opinions. All of which are subjective.
Same way - some like tuna fish - some prefer salmon. They are both fish.
Just because you're a certain color ... just because you believe in a certain political party .... just because ...
People are people.
All people have different VIEWS and looks .... that is life - that is America.
That is fact!
Am I supposed to like you because you're President?
Nope - I didn't like you before you were President?
Am I supposed to like you because you're rich - well, that helps - because I despised you when you were poor.
Because one white kills a person of color - does that mean all whites do it?
When a person of color kills a white man - does that mean ....
A black on white crime means all blacks do it ....
A white on black crime means all whites do it ....
A black on black ....
A minority on minority ...
A majority on minority ...
A minority on majority ....
Not everyone loves everyone, not everyone likes everyone.
Even family members - I have to love you - but hell, I don't have to like you.
What card do I play?
What an interesting situation?
There ARE countries .... if you speak against the government you are imprisoned or killed.
In America - if you speak against a President - it isn't because you are a bigot or a racist ...
Otherwise - there are still Bush and Reagan and Clinton bashers - what are they?
Some would say just people expressing their opinion.
God forbid if you criticize a person of color, or a gay person, or a fat person, or a thin person, or a short person, or a person who colors their hair, or a person who should but doesn't color their hair ...
Maybe those people are just people ... WE all criticize - Let the one without sin cast the first stone.
I've heard Ms. Whoopi criticize G.W. Bush. Is she a racist? To date - she hasn't said.
Joy Behar is proud of her criticism of Bush. Is she anti-Texan?
7 cents a gallon gas in Venezuela. Chicago over $4.00 a gallon.
I am not anti-Venezuela.
Just a fact.
All you have read is just written prose - an opinion.
If you do not like it - can I honestly say" You didn't like my words - you're racist.
Actually, you can say and I can say what I feel and/or believe.
Thank God WE the PEOPLE live in America.
God Bless America.
God Bless each and everyone everywhere!