Everybody is talking, but is anybody listening? Mostly Politics ... Conservative. God bless and save this exceptional U.S.A.
Monday, November 28, 2011
WE the People no longer govern America!
WE the PEOPLE no longer govern.
WE pay the salaries of Politicians.
They give themselves annual raises.
WE the PEOPLE do without. We have no say.
CAREER Politicians do as they please, disregarding WE the PEOPLE & the Constitution.
WE the PEOPLE are now just people and SLAVES to those we put into power.
SLAVERY is alive and well in the USA!
Politicians are OUR masters - we are nothing but their slaves.
Ironic if it wasn't so sad! AND “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” said Michelle Obama. (EXACT QUOTE)
If I wasn't stunned, I could say something.
Obama, under his watch - the USA lost its superior credit rating.
WE the PEOPLE watched Obama apologize to foreign countries and enemies of America.
We watched Obama snub the Dali Lama.
At the same time - we watched Obama gleefully take millions from movies stars and large corporations, have over-the-top Hollywood parties in the White House, the very House owned by We the People.
We the People were the uninvited guests.
We weren’t even allowed to look into the window. We heard about the parties long after they came and went.
In my modest logic - Obama enjoys being a Prez.
Yet he turns over every issue to his Congress or Senate.
He takes no personal responsibility. He blames everyone for his failure.
Botox Queen Nancy Pelosi “Sign the bill, read it later.”
A first day law student, or what our folks told us growing up – read first.
To date, the majority of those who signed – have yet to read it. They have yet to read this healthcare bill.
I've read it sixteen times.
Those thieving Politicians just enacted a law whereby they CANNOT use their knowledge and purchase stocks.
That is called insider trading – just ask Martha Stewart.
They just enacted this rule or law.
Excuse me?
This LAW was always there for the regular person – but remember, Politicians, these people we elect ALWAYS believe they were above the law – they were the law, they ARE the law.
GREED and CORRUPTION run amok.
Barack Hussein Obama has honestly done nothing himself. HE delegates.
He likes to talk. But I believe the majority of people stopped listing to his promises and rhetoric. After all, too much hot air becomes depressing. Especially from the mouth of a President I have to keep apologizing for ... to all my international friends.
They just laugh and they agree he is sort of a buffoon, a clown. That makes me sad. As Obama spends money as if he were dipping into his own multi-millions ... but he is not using his money - he is using the money of the U.S. citizenry.
Our grandchildren and their children will still be paying off Obama’s debt.
No worries for Michelle and Barack. They ARE the 2%.
They have their wealth and WE the little people do with less or do with nothing - for WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries.
We can’t give ourselves a raise each year - the Politicians give themselves a raise all the time. We pay their salary. If it weren’t so tragic - it would be funny.
But I cannot find the humor at all. YEP - thanks to Michelle & Barack – thanks to the Government for the people and by the people. Or should we just scrape and bow and say thank you Master and we stand on the outside looking into a world we will never know.
Is there hope - well, history has proven many a thing.
FACT: The most influential and most intelligent countries in all of mankind have fallen.
The Roman Empires. Russia. France and cultures and civilizations long before them.
The people rose with their last breath - their last ounce of courage.
They were tired of being tired.
You can only kick a dog so many times - until it turns around and bites your ass!
Time for a little ass biting!
Monday, November 21, 2011
VOTE THEM OUT! 12 Super-Committee members. THEY failed America.

Remember NAMES of ALL 12 Super-Committee members.
THEY failed America.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas (Republican and committee co-chair)
Sen. Patty Murray of Washington (Democrat and committee co-chair)
Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland (Democrat)
Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona (Republican)
Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts (Democrat)
Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania (Republican)
Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Democrat)
Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio (Republican)
Rep. Xavier Becerra of California (Democrat)
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan (Republican)
Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina (Democrat)
Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan (Republican)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Demand Senate & Congress be paid minimum wage!

Demand Senate & Congress be paid minimum wage!
WE are boss! Time to FIGHT! WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries.
THEY are not better than WE the PEOPLE.
We pay their salaries.
DEMAND that ALL Congress, ALL Senate make the minimum wage of the State they represent.
Let's see if they can make it on what they dole out to us!
Life! Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness!
Time for an American revolution to TAKE BACK AMERICA!
Demand Senate & Congress make minimum wage!
Can YOU and your family make it on what the POLITICIANS say we must?
They do NOT get Social Security so they don't care if it is raised to 80 years of age.
WE the people will pay their lifelong pensions and retirement. WE the PEOPLE will work until WE die on the job. WE the PEOPLE will work until we die on the unemployment line at whatever age THEY decide.
WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries - yet, THEY say we have to work ,,, until when - 69, competing with 19 year olds for the same job ....
THEY give themselves raises - yet WE receive nothing. Isn't that B.S.? Isn't that a kick in the pants? Think about it? We are getting screwed. Remember, WE pay their salary. Then they decide what we must be paid. That is literal insanity.
This is why this Country was founded. People were tired of the inequality. The aristocracy. The elite.
Minimum wage by State:
Alabama $7.25
Alaska $7.75
Arizona $7.35 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Previous rate pursuant to Arizona Proposition 202. This rate will be automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. This rate increase does not affect student workers in places such as libraries and cafeterias because those positions are given by universities, which are State entities.[10] The state minimum wage was increased 10 cents to $7.35 on January 1, 2011.[11] The state tipped also increased 10 cents to $4.35 per hour.
Arkansas $6.25 Applicable to employers of 4 or more employees.
California $8.00 San Francisco $9.92. The Minimum Wage Ordinance states that exempt employees must make twice the state minimum wage.
Colorado $7.36 Set to increase or decrease according to yearly changes in inflation. The state wage was increased to $7.36 per hour on January 1, 2011. The tipped wage increased to $4.34 per hour.
Connecticut $8.25 This rate was increased by 25 cents to $8.25 on January 1, 2010. Tipped employees earn $5.69 per hour, which is a tipped rate that is 69% of the state minimum wage.
Delaware $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Florida $7.31 Raised pursuant to FMWA. If and when it is below the federal rate, it rises with inflation. $4.29 per hour for tipped employees.
Georgia $5.15 Only applicable to employers of 6 or more employees. If less than 6 then there is no minimum at all. Tipped employees earn $2.13. The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act when the Federal rate is greater than the State rate.
Hawaii $7.25 Tipped employees earn $7.00 (25 cents less than the current state minimum wage).
Idaho $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Illinois $8.25 Employers may pay anyone under the age of 18 fifty cents less. Tipped employees earn $4.95 (employers may claim credit for tips, up to 40% of wage).
Indiana $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Iowa $7.25 Most small retail and service establishments grossing less than 300,000 annually are not required to pay the minimum wage. Tipped employees can be paid 60% of the minimum wage, which is currently $4.35.
Kansas $7.25 For many years, the minimum wage was set to $2.65, the lowest in the nation. The state wage was increased to match the federal level on January 1, 2010.
Kentucky $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Louisiana None Federal minimum applies.
Maine $7.50 Tipped employees earn $3.75 (one-half of the current state minimum wage).
Maryland $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Tipped employees earn $3.63.
Massachusetts $8.00 $2.63 for service (tipped) employees, $1.60 for agricultural employees. With time-and-a-half on Sundays (for retail workers only) the Sunday minimum wage is $12.00/hr.
Michigan $7.40 $2.65 for service (tipped) employees. Minors 16–17 years of age may be paid 85% of the minimum hourly wage rate (currently a rate of $6.29 per hour). Training wage for new employees ages 16 to 19 of $4.25 per hour for first 90 days of employment.
Minnesota $7.25 Small employers, whose annual receipts are less than $625,000 and who do not engage in interstate commerce, can pay their employees $5.25 per hour. (Note: The federal minimum wage for all employers grossing more than $500,000 is $7.25 an hour as of July 24, 2009, so the Minnesota large-employer rate of $6.15 an hour is obsolete as of that date.)
Mississippi None Federal minimum applies.
Missouri $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index rounded to the nearest five cents. In September 2010, the Missouri Department of Labor announced that the state minimum wage would not increase in 2011.
Montana $7.35 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. Tip income may not be applied as an offset to an employee's pay rate. The minimum pay is $4/hour for business with less than $110,000 in annual sales. The indexed minimum wage was increased 10 cents to $7.35 per hour on January 1, 2011.
Nebraska $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Nevada $8.25 Rises with inflation.[33] The minimum wage increased to $8.25 on July 1, 2010. Employers who offer health benefits can pay employees $7.25.[34] In April 2011, Nevada's Labor Commissioner Michael Tanchek announced that the minimum wage would remain at $8.25 per hour for the July 2011-July 2012 period.
New Hampshire $7.25 In June 2011, media reported that state lawmakers approved legislation that repeals the state minimum wage law and aligns it with federal law. The new law does not affect the tipped wage rate, which will remain at $3.27 per hour.
New Jersey $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
New Mexico $7.50 $9.85 in Santa Fe (now covering all employees, since expansion to employers with less than 25 employees, as of January 1, 2008).(This wage was previously tied with San Francisco as the highest in the country. Albuquerque's minimum wage is $7.50 per hour (employers who provide health care or child care benefits can pay employees $6.50 per hour).
New York $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. New York also has a minimum for exempt employees $536.10 per week as of January 1, 2007.
North Carolina $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
North Dakota $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Ohio $7.40 $7.25 for 14 and 15 year-olds and employees whose employers gross less than $267,000 per year.[41] This rate is automatically adjusted annually on every January 1 based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. $3.70 plus tips for tipped employees.
Oklahoma $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law. $2.00 per hour for work not covered by federal minimum wage (OK Statutes 40-197.5).
Oregon $8.50 Rises with inflation. The wage increased 10 cents to $8.50 on January 1, 2011.
Pennsylvania $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Rhode Island $7.40 $2.89 for employees receiving tips.
South Carolina None Federal minimum applies.
South Dakota $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Tennessee None Federal minimum applies. The state does have a promised wage law whereby the employers are responsible for paying to the employees the wages promised by the employer.
Texas $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law.
Utah $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference after legislative action; no actual amounts written in law. Current rate took effect on September 8, 2007. $2.13 an hour for tipped employees.
Vermont $8.15 Rises with inflation.[8] Tipped employees are paid $3.95.
Virginia $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference.
Washington $8.67 Employees aged 14 or 15 may be paid 85% of the minimum wage, which is $7.37 as of January 1, 2011. Minimum wage increases annually by a voter-approved cost-of-living adjustment based on the federal Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W).
West Virginia $7.25 Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees at one location not involved in interstate commerce.
Wisconsin $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Tipped employees are paid $2.33.
Wyoming $5.15 $2.13 for employees receiving tips. FMWA.
American Samoa $2.68-$4.69 Varies by industry.[47] Planned increases to $7.25 by 2014. On September 30, 2010, President Obama signed legislation that delays scheduled wage increases for 2010 and 2011. Annual wage increases of $0.50 will recommence on September 30, 2012.
District of Columbia $8.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically set at $1 above the Federal minimum wage rate if the District of Columbia rate is lower. The tipped wage in Washington, DC is $2.77 per hour.
Guam $7.25
There's A New NEW WORLD COMING - Cass Elliott
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Actress Wannabee Sonya Bellah - No Show

Actress Wannabee Sonya Bellah - No Show
Some people in the entertainment business are not known for their integrity. But among the many I have worked with through the years - from Coleen Gray, Patsy Ruth Miller, Lillian Gish among others - their word was their bond.
I was to continue filming another little opus (Death Takes A Holyday) on Saturday, September 9th, 2011.
An Austin "actress" had accepted the small role via email and we even hooked up over the telephone to discuss character.
On Friday night - all was set to shoot at 1pm on Saturday.
On Saturday morning -
from Sonya Bellah sonya.bellah@gmail.com
to Brian Pinette
date Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 6:48 AM
subject RE: Operator
Hi Brian,
I am sorry, but I have to bow out of this project. I've received a call-back this morning to do more with a project through the rest of the year, it pays the bills ...
I wish you much luck with this film!
Thank you and have a great day!
Well, you see the "professional" photo she sent me.
And - the day of the shoot - an actress wannabee cancels.
Just venting.
Her part was filled within an hour with a real actress.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Salaries and Benefits of U.S. Congress Members

Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members
By Robert Longley, About.com Guide
Here are some facts for your consideration.
Rank-and-File Members:
The current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year.
Members are free to turn down pay increase and some choose to do so.
In a complex system of calculations, administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, congressional pay rates also affect the salaries for federal judges and other senior government executives.
During the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin considered proposing that elected government officials not be paid for their service. Other Founding Fathers, however, decided otherwise.
From 1789 to 1855, members of Congress received only a per diem (daily payment) of $6.00 while in session, except for a period from December 1815 to March 1817, when they received $1,500 a year. Members began receiving an annual salary in 1855, when they were paid $3,000 per year.
Congress: Leadership Members' Salary (2011)
Leaders of the House and Senate are paid a higher salary than rank-and-file members.
Senate Leadership
Majority Party Leader - $193,400
Minority Party Leader - $193,400
House Leadership
Speaker of the House - $223,500
Majority Leader - $193,400
Minority Leader - $193,400
A cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) increase takes effect annually unless Congress votes to not accept it.
Benefits Paid to Members of Congress
You may have read that Members of Congress do not pay into Social Security. Well, that's a myth.
Prior to 1984, neither Members of Congress nor any other federal civil service employee paid Social Security taxes. Of course, they were also not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Members of Congress and other federal employees were instead covered by a separate pension plan called the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The 1983 amendments to the Social Security Act required federal employees first hired after 1983 to participate in Social Security. These amendments also required all Members of Congress to participate in Social Security as of January 1, 1984, regardless of when they first entered Congress. Because the CSRS was not designed to coordinate with Social Security, Congress directed the development of a new retirement plan for federal workers. The result was the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986.
Members of Congress receive retirement and health benefits under the same plans available to other federal employees. They become vested after five years of full participation.
Members elected since 1984 are covered by the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). Those elected prior to 1984 were covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). In 1984 all members were given the option of remaining with CSRS or switching to FERS.
As it is for all other federal employees, congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants' contributions. Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 percent of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 percent of their salary in Social Security taxes.
Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Members of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.
The amount of a congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.
According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006.
Mad as hell! 261 millionaire members of U.S. Congress

The 10 Wealthiest Members of Congress
Get mad! Get Angry! There are 261 millionaire members of Congress, according to an analysis of personal wealth conduct by the Center for Responsive Politics.
... according to financial disclosures
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, reported a net worth of between $46 million and $108.1 million in 2010.
U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat from West Virginia, reported a net worth of between $61.4 million and $136.2 million in 2010.
U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, a Republican from Texas, reported a net worth of between $73.7 million and $201.5 million in 2010.
U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, a Republican from Florida, reported a net worth of as much as $366.2 million in 2010.
U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl, a Democrat from Wisconsin, reported a net worth of between $89.4 million and $231.2 million in 2010.
U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat from Colorado, reported a net worth of between $36.7 million and $285.1 million in 2010.
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, reported a net worth of between $65.7 million and $283.1 million in 2010.
U.S. Sen. John Kerry, a Democrat from Massachusetts, reported a net worth of between $182.8 million and $294.9 million in 2010.
U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, a Democrat from California, reported a net worth of between $151.5 million and $435.4 million in 2010.
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican from California, reported a net worth of between $156.1 million and $451.1 million in 2010.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Unplanned pregnancy among poor women has risen. Close your legs.

U.S. is now a welfare Nation
No more work hard for your money to support you and your family.
You can have a family and not work at all - the Government will pay for it.
YOU are entitled.
No more work hard for your money to buy a house.
If you want a house - the Government will buy you one.
No more work hard for the money to buy anything.
The Government will buy it for you.
WE the PEOPLE are the government. Our tax dollars fund the government.
WE the people pay the Salaries of the elected political figures who create laws and policies.
Therefore, why is it that a majority of Americans believe the government should pay for them - but alas, not pay for others.
Nothing is free.
What the Government "gives" some - is directly paid for by others.
There is no free ride. No free housing. No free health care. No free food.
Free from some because it is paid for by others.
Why should others pay for some? Why should some get a free ride and others buy their token for the subway?
There will always be someone richer than you, poorer than you, prettier than you, smaller than you, taller than you ---- that is life. Luck of the draw.
Life at life's terms.
Unplanned pregnancy among poor women has risen. That is not anyone's fault other than the woman who lies down and opens her legs.
No one is forcing her to have sex and/or get pregnant.
Condoms are sold in convenience stores next to the aspirin, right before you get to the beer cooler.
The rich and poor know exactly what aisle to go down to go to the beer cooler.
Then wake up - take a different aisle and alas, there are the condoms.
Bypass the slurpee or the potato chips or the fritos or the 40 ounce - buy condoms.
If you can't afford your rent for yourself - then you can't afford a child.
Close your legs.
Democrats want you to be dependent upon them.
Democrats want you to remain on the plantation. They will oversee that you get what you need.
You will get what you need - but not always what you want.
Democrats will tell you - here is how much we will give you for one child, here is how much you get if you have two, or three or four or more.
And if you have five, then you are eligible to live in a tenement - next to the railroad tracks for free.
Democrats will give you a hand out. They will never allow you to touch "their" hand for a hands up.
They will oversee you.
They want you to stay on their plantation.
They want your vote.
Just vote for Democrats.
Obey their mastery of language.
They will give you a hand out.
You will get a piece of their pie.
But you can't eat the pie in their house.
Remember, the rich Democrat lives on the mansion atop the hill.
The Democrat gave you a tenement to live in - next to the railroad track.
You only get a piece of their pie.
It's their pie.
Democrats want to make sure - it is never your pie ...
as you live in the tenement next to the railroad track ...
looking at their mansion atop the hill.
Eating the piece of pie they gave you ...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hate rhetoric from Al Sharpton on MSNBC

The hate rhetoric on MSNBC from Al Sharpton is profound.
Yet, Al is silent about the thug "flash mob" in Philadelphia who stole and robbed ...
Al also never apologized for the scheme he developed with his gal pal Tawana Brawley.
The hypocritical rhetoric from this publicity addict is profound. The hate rhetoric is alarming from a man some refer to as Reverend.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
U.S. - I NEVER promised you a rose garden. Get over it!

U.S. - I NEVER promised you a rose garden ...
Lynn Anderson's international hit "Rose Garden" started quite simply, yet, profoundly -
"I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden."
The U.S. does NOT owe or guarantee anyone anything.
The United States of America does offer ~ life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
There are no guarantees of free housing, health care, pay checks ... there is no written document stating the U.S. guarantees any of its citizenry those freebies. If so - EVERYONE should live free, be given free money, free housing ....
Man-up. Do your part.
No one in the U.S. is entitled or guaranteed anything other than a hope of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Stop whining and get off your duff and stop demanding handouts.
It is NOT the obligation of taxpayers to subsidize Americans.
Otherwise - why is the Government using taxpayer dollars to subsidize some but not all?
Liberals - if you want to subsidize people - do it with your own money.
Not everyone is guaranteed a pretty house with a picket fence.
Not everyone has a computer or cable TV or ipod .... not everyone can afford it.
Get over it. Save your money.
In my lifetime - my folks saved up to get the one color TV for the living room.
When I got my first apartment - it took years for me to save up for a portable color TV.
I was happy to have a 12 inch black and white. But I saved my money, I worked for that elusive - but finally attained olor TV.
There will always be someone who has more just as there will always be some who have less.
Aspire to reach for the stars - but there are no guarantees you will.
The American dream is a dream - it will NOT be a reality for everyone.
It was never intended to be a reality for everypone.
It is an aspiration that may or may not be achieved in a lifetime ...
All dreams are different. All dreams do not come true.
No one is entitled to anything ...
other than the knowledge we all are created equal.
We all are hopeful for the dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
What we achieve, what we eventually possess ... is not always up to us.
It is called life at life's terms.
Some will fall in love, some will fall out of love.
Some will have a love that lasts a lifetime.
Some will never find love.
That is life at life's term.
If I respect you - in theory - you should respect me.
But there is no guarantee.
In real life you do not have to respect yourself or anyone else, for that matter.
This is life.
Get over it.
Enjoy it!
Indeed, it has been said by many -
Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Life ... live, love, life ... live!
P.S. The only certainty is you pay taxes and die!
Well, it seems over 51% of U.S. citizenry pay no taxes. I guess we who do - subsidize them.
Such is life in America.
Such is REAL life.
Life at life's terms.
"Rose Garden"
I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine,
There's gotta be a little rain sometimes.
When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live,
Or let go.
I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden.
I could promise you things like big diamond rings,
But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover.
So you better think it over.
Well, if sweet-talkin' you could make it come true,
I would give you the world right now on a silver platter,
But what would it matter?
So smile for a while and let's be jolly:
Love shouldn't be so melancholy.
Come along and share the good times while we can.
I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine,
There's gotta be a little rain sometimes.
Instrumental break.
I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden.
I could sing you a tune or promise you the moon,
But if that's what it takes to hold you,
I'd just as soon let you go, but there's one thing I want you to know.
You better look before you leap, still waters run deep,
And there won't always be someone there to pull you out,
And you know what I'm talkin' about.
So smile for a while and let's be jolly:
Love shouldn't be so melancholy.
Come along and share the good times while we can.
I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine,
There's gotta be a little rain sometimes.
To fade.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Dysfunctional-disconnected broken U.S. govt.

Dysfunctional-disconnected broken U.S. govt.
Time for a real change WE can believe & have faith in.
These fools ON-the-HILL .... career politicians ain't listening to the American people who pay their salaries.
They are profoundly disconnected from the real realities, it is profound.
This is why there are revolutions.
When people are worried and stressed out about their jobs, their livelihood - paying for food for their family ... trying to keep a job or trying to find a job ..;.
The Politicians are among the lucky ones.
They receive a paycheck.
They have a job.
They have a career!
It is time to re-think and re-evaluate this.
Time to LIMIT their terms.
Maybe it is time to evaluate them.
If they fail the evaluation - FIRE THEM!
If you were the employer, and WE THE PEOPLE are their employer - if they do not do what they were hired to do - fire them.
We cannot allow lifelong, career politicians to decide what is best for WE THE PEOPLE. They are proving they value their re-election more than what is best for the people ....
Change is good.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Obama gives BIG $ bonuses to Fannie Mae & Freddie

Obama gives BIG $ bonuses to Fannie Mae & Freddie
Obama running for President received funding from BOTH.
We the People bailed them out!
Now - with Fannie & Freddie still owing the tax-payers money will receive $34 million for 6 executives. Obama okayed this bonus.
This is NOT an issue of race.
This is an issue of lies from a President out of control - lying to the American people.
Obama does not care for America or Americans.
He's a millionaire - why should he care?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
MSNBC "Opinionists" ignored Obama's call for civility.

After the tragedy of the Arizona shooting - President Obama called for civility.
Most media venues listened to his plea.
Low-rated MSNBC "opinionists" did not.
From "Morning Joe" to the night-time line-up ... they proceeded ahead, "Business as usual."
The liberal media talk-show "opinionists" resort to race baiting and name calling when losing a debate. Especially when they are also losing their time slot viewer-ship to the #1 FOX network.
Who's next?
Rachel Maddow name calls, then coyly smiles in hopes it is "okay."
Lawrence O'Donnell blatantly calls people names as does cherubic Chris Matthews.
Ed Schultz has been suspended from MSNBC for calling conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his syndicated radio show.
Schultz opened his primetime MSNBC show on Wednesday apologizing to Ingraham, MSNBC, his family and viewers.
"It doesn't matter that I was on radio ad-libbing," Schultz said of his comments the day before. "What I said was terribly vile."
Schultz met with MSNBC management earlier in the day on Wednesday, and said he offered to take himself off the air indefinitely and without pay. The network said the suspension would be one week.
"I have embarrassed my family," he added, before turning the show over to substitute host Thomas Roberts. "I have embarrassed this company. The only way I can prove my sincerity in all of this is if I never use those words again. You have my word I won't."
Schultz said that he tried--unsuccessfully--to reach Ingraham to apologize personally.
Network brass released this statement before Schultz went on the air: "MSNBC management met with Ed Schultz this afternoon and accepted his offer to take one week of unpaid leave for the remarks he made yesterday on his radio program. Ed will address these remarks on his show tonight, and immediately following begin his leave. Remarks of this nature are unacceptable and will not be tolerated."
The "Ed Show" host joined MSNBC in 2009, taking over the 10 p.m. slot after Keith Olbermann--no stranger to network suspensions--left the cable channel earlier this year, shuffling the prime-time lineup.
This is NOT an opinion - this is FACT.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Miss Julie - Don't cry because it's over.
Miss Julie
"Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened."
Dr. Seuss
"Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
My beloved little cat - from kitten with me in NYC to Texas, 2 years after 9/11. Unconditional love - given and received. Such joy. Such love, with love. I smile through the tears, but mostly smile. She was my friend. 24th May 2011.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
MSNBC Cenk Uygur Race-baiting?

MSNBC overweight comedian Cenk Uygur -
FACT: More Americans of ALL colors are receiving food stamps today than in recent history due to unemployment & the economy.
Obama is the sitting President, therefore, it is FACT that he would be the food stamp President.
So who was Gingrich "race baiting?"
You seem to be a closet racist for trying to stir up trouble where there isn't any.
Or are you just trying to boost your low ratings vs. FOX?
Is MSNBC racist?

Is MSNBC racist?
The comedian hosts of their "opinionist" show lineup consists almost totally of extremely overweight white men.
Or is it coincidence?
Chris Matthews,
Joe Scarborough,
Ed Schultz,
Cenk Uygur,
Dylan Ratigan ...
Self-proclaimed practical European socialist stand-up comedian:
Lawrence O'Donnell - who is slim.
O'Donnell is a part-time actor (un)-known for his cameo on the TV show "Monk."
However, he is internationally known for his "racist" remark:
"Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can, trying to charm independent voters and Tea Partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider, the Republican National Committee".
After drawing criticism from Steele and talk-radio host Larry Elder, O'Donnell apologized for his remark.
Just because you apologize doesn't mean you're not a racist ... it means if you don't apologize - you will lose your job like Keith Olbermann, whom O'Donnell replaced. Go figure.
Maybe just a little bit racist?
You decide by counting the overweight white men who have hosting gigs as opposed to hosting gigs by people of colour ...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Obama & Biden don't give a damn about U.S. economy!

FACT: Obama & Biden just don't give a damn about U.S. economy!
The leaders of the greatest Country on Earth don't seem to give a damn about the very Country they are supposed to be leaders of ....
TODAY: The U.S.A. reached its debt ceiling!
TODAY: Obama will speak at a High School Commencement.
TODAY: Joe Biden attends Rahm Emanuel's "swearing" in as Chicago Mayor.
TODAY: The U.S.A. reached its debt ceiling!
All of the above are facts.
You decide.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Rachel Maddow & Bill O'Reilly - "Opinionists!"

Rachel Maddow & Bill O'Reilly - "Opinionists!"
Rachel Maddow & Bill O'Reilly are profoundly alike!
In a world where there is no longer a Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow ...
... in a reality of un-real reality TV shows
... in a broadcast media that is now always biased.
Gone are the days of real fair and balanced reporting.
The news is no longer news. Reporters no longer report.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX - are opinionists -
Some claim to be reporters - but alas, they seem to be unsure or unaware what a reporter actually is or was ...
A reporter does just that - reports the news. Unbiased - straight facts - and in simple terms - lets the viewer decide.
When you used to see the news - you saw just that. It was "happening now" it was filmed footage. There was no commentary, no opinions.
Now, cable TV has brought us opinion shows. Just because you say you are fair and balanced doesn't make it so.
AND just because you are on TV or cable does not make you smarter than your audience. Or, maybe it does. You are getting money to express your opinions.
O'Reilly looks down at his guests and holds court ...
Maddow ... talks down to her viewing audience - think as I do - or be damned sort of attitude.
She tries to be cute and coy - but those deliberate and over-rehearsed attempts come across as phony.
BOTH are arrogant beyond words.
BOTH are opinionists.
BOTH are keeping their jobs by expressing the beliefs of their corporate employers.
They are politicians, too.
As politicians are keeping their jobs by enacting laws and regulations to "pay-back" their benefactors.
Politicians get "donations" from special interests, therefore, the tit-for-tat is so profoundly like all the opinionists on TV it is surreal.
TV opinionists swipe at certain political parties - political parties swipe at certain opinionists.
There is no doubt and no dispute that many of their opinions are valid and they are shared and supported by their viewers ...
BUT - the truly wise men on this earth - past and present, historically, philosophically, spiritually - NEVER, never talked down to their followers, their readers, their believers -
for the wise man teaches, shares their opinions, expresses their values - and if they ring true - then others to will start to believe. Others will start to examine what has been said and heard and will formulate their own opinion, their own hypothesis.
But arrogant opinionists usually find themselves being dismissed.
The audience is wise.
By a student a teacher is taught.
Arrogant leaders, opinionists are so wrapped up in what they are saying, so taken in by their own cleverness - they lose sight of their own values, their own truths ...
Being clever, making sure they are always right or insisting to others they are right
become their main focus and objective.
Maddow and O'Reilly are so much alike.
And some of the time - they are uncannily right on the pulse of the American.
American people are just that. All striving for that dream, the piece of that pie in the sky.
People are not put into groups or maybe they are.
Republicans and Democrats still eat , sleep, drink ... as do lesbians, thespians, scholars, priests, Mothers, Dads, Nuns, daughters, sons ....
Opinionists enjoy dividing people into camps.
They put down one group to elevate another ...
Instead of realizing that life is a compromise.
Opinions are just that.
Opinion sometimes are fact base intertwined with emotion, rationality and irrational thoughts, speculation, fear and anger ....
They are opinions. No one person has an opinion that is more valid, less valid, more true, less true ...
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
And just because you are on TV ... and no matter how many times you say it, or how loud you say it ... are how clever or cute ...
It is just your opinion. It does not make it true.
My late pal Miss Lillian Gish once said: "If you say your faux pearl necklace is real long enough to yourself and to your friends - then it becomes real. But in the end, the truth is no one really cares and it didn't matter after all."
And if you always believe your opinion is right - well, that seems to be arrogance.
And arrogance tends to erase relevance and validity.
Opinions are cool.
WE all have opinions.
But journalism and journalists are profoundly different than opinionists.
Journalists tell a story as it it - opinionists tell their side of the story, as they believe it should be, could, ought to be ... it is clouded by their own beliefs.
Journalist: The damn has broken. I am standing in 3 feet of water.
Opinionist: The damn has broken. I am standing in what looks like 3 to 4 feet of sludge that most likely was caused by the pollution from an oil company.
FACT: Damn has broken - there is 3 feet of water.
Opinion: Damn has broken - but I'm more important than the story - so here is my opinion ....
Everyone has an opinion.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Just because you are on TV - doesn't make you right.
And sometimes - your righteousness turns to arrogance ...
and everyone can be replaced.
Keith Olbermann, Glenn Beck ....
soon, people will forget they ever were on TV.
But real journalists - Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, Barbara Walters - remain forever in the history books and are mentioned frequently in college courses and dissertations ... of a reminder of days when there was a higher standard that current television is missing and sorely in need of ....
O'Reilly and Maddow are never mentioned. Like Jersey Shore ... they are just passing through the airwaves and hopefully they will be replaced with journalists.
We have oh so many opinionists on TV ....
And what is this - alas, just another opinion.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
When will it be enough? Politicians are destroying America!

When will it be enough? Politicians are destroying America!
Over 5,000 American lives - our beloved soldiers - over 10 years - trillions of dollars ...
When will it be enough?
There will always be terrorists.
Maybe if we put our money into our own Country to secure borders - to screen incoming visitors - and -
NO more foreign aid to Dictators. This aid comes directly out of the the future of our children.
When the U.S. sends foreign aid - it takes money directly out of the pockets of Americans.
It takes the hope and future out of minds and hearts of American children who will never achieve the American dream.
When financial solvency and job stability in America is in question - how can Americans feel safe or secure when we read, hear, see the Government waste - MONEY America doesn't have going to other countries to re-build them, to educate them, to build their roads ....
I think America needs that too.
How can America help others when we can't even sustain ourselves?
If Americans as individuals want to help other countries because there is a disaster or a crisis - then solely as individuals - Americans can and will contribute whatever they can afford.
However - the President and the Politicians are using their political office to send blank checks to Countries that Americans - we the People did not authorize.
The Politicians are not using judgment. They are not using checks and balances.
If the single head of a family spent money foolishly - where would the family be?
For the common good of America - government spending must stop.
The Politicians opened the box of social security that We the People contributed to. EVERY pay check we legally earned - Social Security was and is being taken out ....
Now the money is gone.
Those who took it, stole it - should put it back.
Instead - WE the PEOPLE must suffer because the Politicians stole the social security monies.
They spent these monies on other ventures that were no authorized by WE the PEOPLE.
They stole from the people.
They should put the money back. THEY should be in jail. They should be held accountable.
Time to take America back.
Corruption in politics is profound.
A revolution comes by an evolution - an evolving of thoughts and facts.
America has to change in order to survive.
Perhaps an American Revolution is needed.
History repeats itself.
We cannot continue down the same path.
If Washington is ignoring we the people -
maybe the corruption is in the core and foundation -
and when the infection is in the core and foundation of current politicians - it is time to re-evaluate and change.
The politicians are destroying America.
The politicians are working in reverse of what the founding leaders intended - fought for and died for.
OBAMA was born in America but is he for America & Americans?

OBAMA was born in America but he is not for Americans or America!
But you can be for whomever you want - after all this IS America - and in theory, the land of the free and the home of ...
Obama on his re-election campaign trail stopped in Texas yesterday to pander ...
BUT please note: Obama outright lied to Texans & the Nation re: Border Control.
Immigrants do make America great. Immigrants who came to this Country, America - have made this Country unique and profoundly unlike any Country on earth.
These immigrants, however, came here legally.
Obama says to make immigration easier. "We need to provide them the chance."
The chance does not mean amnesty.
"Splitting families apart." Obama says about immigration.
No Obama. They are split apart because most have entered either legally or illegally and they want the balance of their families to be with them.
CORRECT: If they entered legally, then the balance of their family can proceed following the same process.
If they entered illegally, by the term illegal - they have no citizenship rights - therefore, why bring more illegals, family or not - to live in America?
OBAMA - you make no sense.
What you are doing OBAMA is pandering to the lowest denominator in your bid for re-election.
You are playing every despicable card in your hand to ensure you win.
You are purposely dividing this country by economic status, race, ethnicity.
YOU are an opportunist - thinking not of America - but of your own political agenda.
Shame on you.
This is not a race issue - this is an American issue - and true Americans have no race, creed ... they are Americans. LEGAL Americans .... And you do not have to be born in this great Country to be legal.
Like the immigrants of yore - stand in line, pass the test ... and you will always be welcome.
By breaking the rules at the onset, concludes only one thing ...
Think about it!
Obama does not care about America - his concern is only his political career.
FACT: See who Obama is surrounding himself with. His past & present co-horts.
Ask not what your Country can do for you - but what you can do for your Country.
Obama is thinking only what the Country can do for him ~ to further his political agenda.
America and Americans MUST come first.
A government for the people - by the people.
WE the PEOPLE ... We are the people. We ARE America!
Obama is a creating a divide in this Country - do NOT ALLOW this divide to become too wide!
If he wants a socio-economic war, a war between ethnicity, diversity, race, creed, religion ...
People - Americans - ALL Americans - VOTE -
But know the facts, in your mind and heart - be an educated VOTER!
Obama has proven he is not a leader.
Unemployment still 9%.
Americans are suffering - yet billions are still being sent to Pakistan, Afghanistan.
VOTE this man out!
Or VOTE this man back in! But now you know who he really is. His true colors are forever changing. His ideology is forever changing ... he will say and do anything to get re-elected. He will pander to whoever he believes will further his political career.
OBAMA was born in America - but he is not for Americans or America!
Just VOTE!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
E-Verify demand it - or FIRE your Govt. Representative!

E-Verify demand it - or FIRE your Govt. Representative!
We cannot turn off the jobs magnet that attracts illegal aliens to America until employers use E-Verify.
Illegal aliens will not remain in the U.S.A. if they cannot find work. This will serve to free up jobs for legal workers and reduce our budget problems.
Those who favor cheap, illicit labor over American workers are working behind the scenes to stop E-Verify because they know it is effective. Ignore these unscrupulous employers.
Demand that your State, local and Federal Representatives vote for E-verify.
It is WE the PEOPLE asking - it is your job in jeopardy if you refuse to listen.
Sad Truth: Soldiers Will Return to Unemployment!

Sad Truth: Soldiers Will Return to Unemployment!
As of today - U.S. unemployment is 9%. Among his many promises. President Obama indicated this would never happen. But it did happen - it happened on his watch.
His grasp of fixing the economy - his rhetoric and his actions have failed.
The "stimulus" to big corporations and bailouts of banks - well, many, many companies did get billions of tax payer dollars, however, Obama & his Pelosi & Reid...
... NEVER stipulated to those who received bail-outs - "some of the money is to be used for job stimulation or creation of jobs."
Their agenda failed - remember the line - "Sign it now read it later!." a direct quote of Nancy Pelosi regarding Obama-care - the monster healthcare bill.
All of this political incorrectness that went on behind-the-scenes, regardless that Obama promised transparency - has led us to today ....
A profoundly sad truth - if all our beloved heroes, all our beloved soldiers would return to the U.S. TODAY - the majority would be facing unemployment.
I recently had a 22 year old roomate who returned from Iraq after his tour of duty.
He lived. Therefore, he was able to go to College . The U.S. army offers "College" when you sign-up ... they will pay for your college. What they don't state is that they do not expect you to survive your tour of duty.
My friend survived. He returned from his tour of duty. He turned 22. He is currently attending Austin community College to get his degree in business.
He found a part-time job moving furniture. That didn't last. It conflicted with the hours he needed to be in class ...
Remember- he did his 3 year tour in Iraq - in the line of fire - his tour of duty.
He DID survive - he lived.
He is going to school. He has a beautiful girlfriend.
He is currently unemployed.
He lived.
BUT - if all the soldiers, all the fighting men and women returned home TODAY - would they be UNEMPLOYED TOMORROW?
If they returned home today - would they be able to pay their rent for an apartment?
Would they be able to find a job and set up house?
When Johnny comes marching home .... will Johnny have a home to return to that hasn't been foreclosed?
In America - this land of opportunity? In this great, great Country ....
It would break my heart to be an employer - to tell a "war vet" -
I'm sorry Mam, we're not hiring.
I'm sorry Sir, I'm sorry Son - we're not hiring.
Oh yes - welcome back. How was Iraq? How was Afghanistan?
But - we're not hiring.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pakistan either stands with America or it should stand alone! No more $

Pakistan either stands with America or it should stand alone! No more $
Demand, don't ask - demand Washington stop sending Billions to Pakistan
The U.S. government works for WE the PEOPLE. It is NOT and never has it been the other way around.
Laws were put into place when this country was founded to ensure that the voices of American were heard. READ and re-read the Constitution.
The words are there for all to see, to understand.
Hitler use the Bible for his own personal propaganda. Hitler misconstrued purposely the intent and the words to justify what he was doing. People followed like sheep. Germany was in financial, economic and unemployment distress.
The Constitution says what it means and means what it says. The words used were laboriously well thought to define what America is. It defined how America was to be governed.
The billions sent to Pakistan can be better used in America. Those billions can better serve Americans.
Barney Frank (D) is correct on his assessment of this situation.
Time for the Government to reign in the Pentagon.
No longer can Americans tolerate the misuse of money to other Countries. Use that money here - secure the borders, develop security from within to thwart terrorists, to protect the Citizenry of this Country.
Pakistan either stands with America or it should stand alone!
No more money.
Cut-off U.S. taxpayer dollars to Pakistan. Enough is enough!

Cut-off U.S. taxpayer dollars to Pakistan. Enough is enough!
Hillary Clinton says Pakistan officials led U.S. to Osama. Leon Panetta says Pakistan did not know about raid. Who's lying? Just cut-off taxpayer dollars to Pakistan.
Were they hiding Osama in plain sight?
They say they were unaware. If they were unaware - on its face - that is proof they are either incompetent or liars. Or perhaps both.
Let OBAMA know America needs the money. America bends over in both directions to kiss those whose only allegiance to America are the dollars they receive.
In good faith, Americans give their tax dollars to support corrupt nations, build nations when OUR own America is in need of repair.
Why don't we invest in America? What about the future of America? Schools? Intra-structure?
Politicians seem to think other Countries are the priority. The welfare of other Countries come first?
The money being used are the tax-payer dollars Americans have entrusted to politicians.
Obama has no right to spend American dollars when America faces bankruptcy. Enough is enough!
Use your VOTE! You decide!
Monday, May 2, 2011
3 Billion per year to Pakistan! Bang for our bucks? Enough is enough?

3 Billion per year to Pakistan from U.S.A.! Bang for our bucks? Enough is enough?
I somehow cannot wrap my mind around the reasoning for sending money to any Country when the U.S. is teetering on the precipice of economic Depression.
That is not theatrical rhetoric - but it is statistical fact!
The Politicians just returned from a two week vacation.
I cannot remember when I had paid vacations with a job. I know of no one in my large circle of friends who has that now.
All my peers fall over themselves to try and work on holidays.
They work to try and put food on the table, pay for gas ...
And if there is a chance to get time and a half or extra hours - they eagerly forsake their families.
In order to survive - you sometimes have to overlook or turn your head from being with your wife or husband - watching your children grow - parents grow older .... holding hands with your partner ....
WE the PEOPLE need gas in the car, food on the table ... a roof over our head ....
I went to buy some powdered garlic at Walgreens.
The sale price used to be 2 for $1.00 for two 6 oz. little plastic shakers. That ended last week.
NOW - a different brand = 3 ozs, one little shaker for $1.00 (Not even 99 cents).
A can or corn costs about the same - but the can is smaller.
Have you noticed - some things stays the same in price - but the amount you get in the can or jar is so much smaller.
In 3 days - 3 days - ALL cans of cat food at Safeway - Randalls went up exactly 30 cents per can.
However, the Safeway - Randalls generic/store brand of a can of tuna remained 65 cents per can. It is more like shredded tuna or soup - but cats still eat it. People could, but other than mixing it with an egg and scrambling it - it is useless for a salad or sandwich.
MY POINT - our point - WE the PEOPLE make decisions every day ... what we can and cannot do with our money.
When I lived decades in NYC - moved after being a witness to 9/11 - when you were paid -
1. Rent. 2. Subway tokens to get to and from your job 3. Cigarets, coffee and misc.
You ALWAYS have to have rent and utility money. ALWAY food and necessities ....
Sometimes you do, and sometimes you almost don't.
But you choose not to live in a box under a bridge somewhere ....
Elected officials - almost 93 per cent are millionaires.
They love the un-checked spending ... promises made to their "lobbyists ...
WE the PEOPLE somehow gave them a blank check with our hard-earned tax dollars.
As long as thy have jobs - the demands of, the needs of WE the PEOPLE is secondary.
Our weapon is our VOTE.
Just venting ....
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Criticize George Bush, ok - not racist! Criticize Obama - NOT ok - racist!

Criticize George Bush, ok - not racist! Criticize Obama - NOT ok - racist!
"We are living in a very serious time." says Obama to Oprah. After the show - he boarded a plane for New York to generate funding for his re-election campaign.
Obama, like many Presidents is criticized by many people for various reasons. Just like EVERY President was and still is criticized - throughout the history of this Country.
I voted for George Bush twce. During and after his Presidency - in my many decades of life - I have never heard so many people being so disrespectful to a President. Myself included when it came to his bogus "war."
In my early years - I heard President Carter being referred to as a Hillbilly Peanut Farmer - I heard tell the the Hillbillies have moved to the White House.
President Reagan, who I also voted for - until recently was a fave President for everyone to disrespect. Same way with his beloved wife.
I liked that duo then and now. I have framed my invitation to their inauguration.
But now - President Reagan is a role model. I hear the Reagan bashers on TV - wow, if they would just look back at themselves at what they said during & after his Presidency ... hypocrites!
But the rhetoric by the media - in print and on TV regarding George Bush during his Presidency and especially after is so harsh and profoundly rude and disrespectful - it is shameful.
Now - Whoopi Goldberg says "I am calling it was it is. I'm playing the race card."
Why is it racist that people disagree with the means and the methods of Obama's leadership or lack there of?
Maybe it is just because some people do not believe he is doing a good job and that is why they criticize him.
People were not hesitant to say George Bush was not doing a good job.
And today - I can hear it now - "you see, I was right." He wasn't doing a good job.
Everyone loves rallying around to bash Bush.
Yet - you bash Obama or criticize Obama - you are racist.
Maybe Obama is being measured & judged and criticized because that is what people believe, feel - about the promises he made, the promises un-kept - the perception that he is not being serious about the economy and the deficit.
Every time George Bush played golf it was as if the world ended.
Every time Obama played basketball it was as if the world ended.
Every thing being said today about Obama - and I compiled a list - you can easily take Obama's name out and insert George Bush's name.
Why has everyone forgotten what they read and heard people say about Bush?
Oh, I guess it is okay to say awful things ... disrespectful things about Bush, because he is white.
Opinions are subjective. Are we supposed to be less critical or not critical at all because Obama is the first black President?
Being the first black President - is he supposed to or is he entitled to get a pass on criticism?
In the U.K. - the criticism of the Queen is not sexist. They say what they feel about her and her son Prince Charles. I remember reading an awful lot of hateful things.
When I lived in New York, I was proud to vote for President Bush, twice. I would do it again.
But what People said about this man was profoundly bad.
Not only did they say bad things about him, but they said bad things about the State of Texas.
Were all of these people racists because they hated white Texans?
If WE the PEOPLE have to be careful what we believe .... if WE the PEOPLE have to filter our rhetoric or our criticism -
- this is not just political correctness run amok - this is absurd.
We ALL speak out and shout "Freedom of Speech" and it seems some are so quick to say RACIST.
I don't always agree with what people say - but as most true Americans - they do and will defend 'til their own death - your right to speak your mind.
Why do you think all our beloved men and women soldiers are dying in other Countries?
Many are dying for the the Citizenry of other Countries - so THEY too can have the freedom to speak out and criticize their own governments without being killed, shot at or ostracized.
Not everything is racist or is it?
If you do not like Julie Andrews - are you anti-British? Or maybe you prefer Barbra Streisand.
If you do not like a Barbra Streisand are you anti semitic? Maybe you prefer the singing of Julie Andrews.
If you do not like Hugh Hefner are you anti-heterosexual? Or maybe you think he is just too tall.
If you do not like a Whoopi Goldberg movie are you racist? Or maybe you just don't think she can act?
If you don't like Mary Pickford does that mean you are anti-Silent films? Or does that mean you don't know who she is?
Actually, if you can't say something good about someone - don't say it at all ....
please, the entire world would be silenced.
People have criticisms, people have opinions. All of which are subjective.
Same way - some like tuna fish - some prefer salmon. They are both fish.
Just because you're a certain color ... just because you believe in a certain political party .... just because ...
People are people.
All people have different VIEWS and looks .... that is life - that is America.
That is fact!
Am I supposed to like you because you're President?
Nope - I didn't like you before you were President?
Am I supposed to like you because you're rich - well, that helps - because I despised you when you were poor.
Because one white kills a person of color - does that mean all whites do it?
When a person of color kills a white man - does that mean ....
A black on white crime means all blacks do it ....
A white on black crime means all whites do it ....
A black on black ....
A minority on minority ...
A majority on minority ...
A minority on majority ....
Not everyone loves everyone, not everyone likes everyone.
Even family members - I have to love you - but hell, I don't have to like you.
What card do I play?
What an interesting situation?
There ARE countries .... if you speak against the government you are imprisoned or killed.
In America - if you speak against a President - it isn't because you are a bigot or a racist ...
Otherwise - there are still Bush and Reagan and Clinton bashers - what are they?
Some would say just people expressing their opinion.
God forbid if you criticize a person of color, or a gay person, or a fat person, or a thin person, or a short person, or a person who colors their hair, or a person who should but doesn't color their hair ...
Maybe those people are just people ... WE all criticize - Let the one without sin cast the first stone.
I've heard Ms. Whoopi criticize G.W. Bush. Is she a racist? To date - she hasn't said.
Joy Behar is proud of her criticism of Bush. Is she anti-Texan?
7 cents a gallon gas in Venezuela. Chicago over $4.00 a gallon.
I am not anti-Venezuela.
Just a fact.
All you have read is just written prose - an opinion.
If you do not like it - can I honestly say" You didn't like my words - you're racist.
Actually, you can say and I can say what I feel and/or believe.
Thank God WE the PEOPLE live in America.
God Bless America.
God Bless each and everyone everywhere!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Abraham Lincoln - 1st President who was a member of the modern Republican party

Abraham Lincoln was the first president who was a member of the modern Republican party. Serving from March 1861 until his assassination. He successfully led the country through a great constitutional, military and moral crisis—the American Civil War—preserving the Union while ending slavery and promoting economic modernization.
Obama called the BIRTH issue silly & then he boarded a plane to appear on Oprah.

TODAY - Obama called the BIRTH issue silly today & then he boarded a plane to appear on Oprah.
I am glad the economy and the budget deficit can wait.
Who voted for this man to be President? Like the Wizard of Oz - there is no transparent curtain.
When it comes to fulfilling the promises he made - to having a transparent government - dealing with the economy - and do not forget Obama's LIBYA war!
Whoever voted for this man to be President - I hope YOU still have a full-time job!
I hope you work more than part-time?
Can you still put food on your table?
Can you feed your family?
Ponder those questions when you see Obama in an upcoming OPRAH episode ....
And think about your family and the price of food and gas ... I wonder what Obama is thinking about?
"Yes WE can!" Obama once said. "It's obvious he can't."
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
4 BILLION in tax breaks for big oil. Thank YOU Obama! Not everyone is a millionaire like you!

The headline says it all.
When Americans have to put back food in order to have enough gas money to get to work,
When Americans have to stop pursuing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness while we SEE/HEAR about the billions being sent to foreign countries that hate us and want to kill us,
When Americans are losing jobs by big corporations who are out-sourcing - yet these Corporations pay no Taxes -
Seems Americans fully understand the revolutions that are popping up around the world.
America - a Government by the people and for the people -
When the Government no longer listens - a change is needed.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Plenty of Oil in U.S.A. Start drilling! New oil leases now in effect were signed during Bush Years! Obama takes Credit for not doing work.

Plenty of Oil in U.S.A. - start drilling! New oil leases now in effect were signed during Bush Years! Obama luvs to take Credit for not doing the work!
CLOSE the tax loop-holes for large Corporations.
STOP giving oil companies tax-payer subsidies!
Why is Obama blocking oil production in USA?
Sure - eco-friendly energy is cool. In the future.
But there will be no future unless the Politicians can get a handle on today!
There is no money to invest in America's FUTURE.
When you are trying to put food on the table you should not think about re-decorating your house.
BALANCE the budget. American families are struggling and making concessions, compromises and sacrifices ...
Why are we paying the salaries of the President, Congressmen and Senators?
There is an evolution within the American citizenry.
What would happen in there was another American Revolution?
History often repeats itself - and for just causes...
There's a new world coming - a new voice calling - you can hear it if you try ...
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