Congress, mostly Democrats - are still at standstill.
However, their tongues are not.
Still blaming Bush.
Blaming the Republicans.
When does the blaming stop?
Is anyone responsible for their own actions, anymore?
If you're obese - blame fast food joints.
If you're disruptive or homicidal - blame some new disorder.
Do NOT under any circumstances blame yourself for your own actions.
Teach your children - "Never accept responsibility for your own actions. BLAME SOMEONE ELSE."
The President blames someone else.
The Congress ... the Democrats blame someone else.
Who is to blame?
WE THE PEOPLE who elected the fools who are blaming everyone else.
WE the People elected those fools because those fools promised to do a job.
If they do not deliver on their promises - do not be a fool - do NOT re-elect them.
WE THE PEOPLE - hold the cards.
Don't play the blame game with Prez Hussein Obama and the Democrats.
If they do not produce - if they do not do their job - DO NOT RE-ELECT.
"Explain it clearly, do it openly." says the President on Wednesday, February 03, 2010.
Odd HE should say that. To date, there has been no transparency in his administration.
The lying game.
Well - that's another story. Another sad but true tale to tell.
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