BILL NYE "The Science Fool" on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow ~ Two idiots for the price of one!
“The main thing is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change got a Nobel Prize,” Nye said. “They got a scientific prize for making a discovery. They didn't get a minor award. This is a big deal. They discovered climate change, through all kinds of evidence, and it's something we should all be very, very concerned about.”
“This thing, of denying science – you know, science has done so much to make this country what it is, a technological leader,” Nye said. “It's improved the quality of life for so many people, here and around the world. To deny what scientists or scientific evidence is showing, is inappropriate. And as I said earlier, to me, when I get wound up, it's unpatriotic.”
1. Obama got a Nobel prize, too.
2. Unpatriotic to QUESTION the ClimateGate scandal, which showed that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists manipulated data and conspired to destroy information to further the cause of global warming alarmism ...
Odd - how the word unpatriotic un-American, anti-America are bandied about nowadays.
If you do NOT believe as I do - you are a heretic and should be burned at the stake.
That was once the belief of some highly educated people do.
Believe as I do or be damned.
Believe as I do or be un-patriotic.
It is my belief, as well as millions of others - Bill Nye is an idiot.
Nye is NOT the mouthpiece of Scientists nor the mouthpiece of America or Americans.
Nye is just a piece ....
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