Friday, October 19, 2012

Muslim Ft. Hood Terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan doesn’t want to shave! Obama - drone his ass!

Nidal Malik Hasan, a practicing Muslim (as per his cousin) was a U.S. Army Major - serving as a psychiatrist at The Fort Hood.

The shooting took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas. Nidal was shot and taken into custody by Department of the Army Civilian Police officers and is now paralyzed from the waist down. Hasan has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder under the Uniform Code of Military Justice; he may face additional charges at court-martial. If he is convicted, he could be given the death penalty.

But - now, as of this date - his trial is still being pre-empted. This terrorist decided he does not want to shave as it would be against his religion.

YET - when he became a soldier - he swore to defend the American Constitution, et al. So - he sits and the U.S.A. is laughed at world wide.

Muslim terrorist sympathizer Barack Hussein Obama, as with the Libya Embassy Terrorist Attack - is silent.

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