The War must end - let Afghans grow up and defend themselves!
In theory - Afghanistan is a Country. It has been around long, long before Columbus discovered America. It has been around long before the U.S. became the U.S.
As everyone knows - it has always been a country of war.
War within - war with its neighbors - war.
Long after the U.S. and its allies are gone - Afghanistan will still be at war.
In theory - they are adults. It is time for them to act like adults. Or try to act like civilized humans beings.
It is time for our heroes to come home.
But the reality is profound - it is utterly profound.
When our heroes do come home - after they become reacquainted with their loved ones. After they imbibe in the beauty of America ... after -
Will they be able to find work?
I have no answer. No one does. Except God.
And He is not telling.
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