Late term abortionist, BABY KILLER - Dr. Tiller was murdered.
The psycho who did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet, some Americans turn their heads when it comes to murdering late-term fetuses.
Or perhaps, those who turn their head want to ignore that these late term fetuses are actual "formed" babies, human beings.
Just like those who say "More Troops are needed here or there ..."
Other wars, "Soldiers marched off to war."
Soldiers, individual human beings.
Yet it is easier to say troops, like it is to say a gaggle of geese.
People desensitize themselves to the evident truth supported by facts.
Late term fetuses are formed babies. Anatomically, factually. Check with the AMA. They are children with feelings and hearts and souls.
Troops are a group of soldiers - young men and women ... people with hearts and souls.
Only in America, where it is supposed to be "justice and truth for all."
Or is it truth and justice for all when it is politically correct and suits an agenda?
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