Michael Jackson - JUST a pop-star - SAD but true
He hasn't had a hit in decades.
He was a phenom in his time.
I followed his career and still have his 45rpms from I'll Be There to Ben ... I videotaped from TV Thriller and Beat It on MTV. I taped Madonna and Billy Idol, too.
I knew and remember him when he was black.
Before he wanted to be Diana Ross and Elizabeth Taylor.
I remember him before he was white.
Before he had his lips and nose fixed.
He made headlines when he had the "tatoo" - permanent ink eyeliner placed on his eye.
I still have those clippings.
That does not diminish him as a gifted performer.
It is just a fact.
MTV was new. And Michael Jackson become "newer" and whiter and plastic surgery ridden as he released every music video.
MTV was also a phenomenon. It helped create stars. The truly talented survived.
They re-invented themselves.
Michael Jackson was a half century old.
No recent releases. No current tunes on the radio.
His record/CD sales were very low.
Now, he passed away and is at peace.
His life was troubled.
He was accused on being a pedophile, a child molester. He settled out of Court and paid millions for one accusation.
The others - he was acquitted.
He had his time and place.
He will be remembered as many a pop star will be.
He was NOT the 2nd coming of Christ.
He did NOT solve world-hunger nor peace.
He unsuccessfully tried to re-invent himself.
He was past the middle-aged mark.
Like anyone, his best could have been ... yet to be ... tomorrow - we will never know.
His accolades cannot and should not be erased.
Nor should they be embellished.
Sad to see him go.
In reality - for those of us who were witness to his rising star - it simply reminds us of our own mortality.
Life is precious. Not to be wasted or squandered.
Toward the end or perhaps starting in his mid-30s, Jackson started to believe his own hype.
HE PROCLAIMED HIMSELF the "King of Pop" - not the press, not his peers.
He was NOT We Are The World, I am the World -
he was a talented man on stage.
Off stage - only God truly knows.
Maybe he was a child abuser - maybe he was a gay closet case ...
but he had talent. In his time and place - he had talent.
Like the VERY stars HE himself professed to idolizing ... from Fred Astaire to Elizabeth Taylor and the list goes on - they ALL will be remembered ...
for in their time and place - thanks to video, film, records ...
they will always have a place in entertainment history.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The cycle and circle of life -
times marches on.
And unless you keep up with the beat, you will be left behind.
I think the last decade - Jackson was left behind. Like Norman Desmond in "Sunset Blvd." ....
Everybody is talking, but is anybody listening? Mostly Politics ... Conservative. God bless and save this exceptional U.S.A.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dallas Hill, Warner Roberts = OUT! Brian Pinette IN!

L. Sinclair / NYC News --
I had the privilege of viewing a rough edit of "I'm Frightened Julie Andrews, I'm Frightened" written, produced, directed and NOW co-starring Brian Pinette. I also had the displeasure of viewing portions of the previous version with Dallas Hill and Warner Roberts.
It is quite apparent who is the professional actor and who is the Texas wannabee.
Quick cuts, poignant scenes, crisp dialogue and classic inserts with legendary stars ... it is a marvel this is the brainchild of one man.
When totally completed and released - this film cannot help but light a fire under America and "true Americans." Pure REAL LIFE patriotic magic.
It is spell-binding.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Only in America - Dallas Hill Quits Movie! Warner Roberts Fired!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Thursday, June 18, 2009
RE: Former Houston 1970s TV personality Warner Roberts "fired" from film "I'm Frightened Julie Andrews, I'm Frightened"
"I would like to say it was creative differences. However, about 10 minutes after we completed shooting the film, Warner said she was unaware of the direction of the script and had she known ..."
"She said this in front of the cast. I could not find words. I thought later that she was speaking the lines, she had read the script ... what part of it didn't she understand?" queries Brian, the writer, producer and director. "I've worked with Coleen Gray, Dawn Wells to Lillian Gish and this has never happened before. It boggles my mind!"
Brian's public relations manager indicates "It might have been the Texas heat. Warner is quite elderly and perhaps should retire gracefully."
"The film is superb. It was instantly re-scripted and better than before." smiles Brian.
"It's actually a love story and tribute to our beloved men and women, Moms and Dads, brothers and sisters, Aunts and Uncles, friends and neighbours, nieces and nephews ... all our true American Heroes ... our soldiers who are fighting and dying for freedom ..." sighs Brian. "These are actually part of the lines Warner objected to. She said them on camera and then a few minutes later ... it really saddens me."
"I'm not sure if Warner is anti-American soldiers or what." continues Brian. "I am honestly confused. They are lines in a movie and she said she was an actress. I guess since her last major role was over 30 years ago, perhaps she forgot."
"There is wisdom, true wisdom in knowing what you can and cannot do. When to stay and when to gracefully bow out. I hope when I get that old, I remember these words."
Brian smiles and added, "Otherwise, shoot me!"
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Friday, June 19, 2009
RE: Dallas Hill Quits Movie "I'm Frightened Julie Andrews, I'm Frightened"
"After hearing Warner Roberts was fired ... Dallas Hill quit!"
"It was for the best." begins Brian. "They both had to use cue cards. They both cared about how they looked rather than the content of the film." begins Brian.
"I still believe it was highly odd that Warner said she didn't know the direction of the film. As I said, the first shoot had to be canceled because the cue cards I made were too small. The 2nd shoot was June 16th. The cards were LARGER and well, it ended as stated before. Warner insisted she didn't know where the film was headed. She could read the cards, but I guess she really didn't understand them. I mean - they were in English. And it was basically the same script we shot before and the same one she received in the mail. I guess she just didn't understand ... That's all I can think." says Brian.
"I definitely want to be shot when I get to be their age ... having to rely on cue cards and then not remembering what they said right after you said them." Brian goes on. "The film is complete with both of them. We even did a public service spot where say they, Hello, I'm Warner Roberts and I'm Dallas Hill, but somehow they got cold feet."
Prior to "firing" Roberts, Brian sent out snippets of the film to his movie critic friends in NYC. After getting word of what happened, some went on to say: "They weren't living in New York on 9/11. They weren't here. We were. Brian was here. He is a New Yorker. Unless you saw and witnessed America under attack, you don't love or care for America or really understand what was happening. Maybe that's what this Dallas and Warner are all about. Maybe they just don't care."
"I'm glad it worked this way." one critic said. "I saw them in 15 minutes of footage. Brian needs professional actresses, not community theatre players of 40 years ago. The script is too good. They were awful. Brian was seeing them through the eyes of love. If he had released it with them, his vision would have been destroyed with them in the lead. I would have roasted them alive!"
"I'm not saying they are un-American, anti-American soldiers or anti-Constitution, but I cannot help but wonder." sighs Brian. "I'm at peace though. The film on every level is superb. I almost threw out the baby with the bath water. Thankfully, I had friends who reminded me just to throw out the dirty liquid." smiles Brian.
I'm Frightened Julie Andrews, I'm Frightened
Coming Christmas, 2009
See www.rarefilmclassics.com
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Would Dr. Tiller have ABORTED Baby Jesus?

Late term abortionist, BABY KILLER - Dr. Tiller was murdered.
The psycho who did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet, some Americans turn their heads when it comes to murdering late-term fetuses.
Or perhaps, those who turn their head want to ignore that these late term fetuses are actual "formed" babies, human beings.
Just like those who say "More Troops are needed here or there ..."
Other wars, "Soldiers marched off to war."
Soldiers, individual human beings.
Yet it is easier to say troops, like it is to say a gaggle of geese.
People desensitize themselves to the evident truth supported by facts.
Late term fetuses are formed babies. Anatomically, factually. Check with the AMA. They are children with feelings and hearts and souls.
Troops are a group of soldiers - young men and women ... people with hearts and souls.
Only in America, where it is supposed to be "justice and truth for all."
Or is it truth and justice for all when it is politically correct and suits an agenda?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Walgreens - TEXAS - BAIT and SWITCH TIME, Again

Walgreens is at it again.
Do not LEAVE store until you triple check your receipt. Better yet, watch the cashier. She is not paying attention to anything except her watch to know when she can have her next cigaret break.
Prices are NOT ringing up as per LARGE tag ... they are ringing up at original prices.
TWICE in three visits ... in three days.
Prior to that, four times in five visits during one week.
EMPLOYEES are NOT over-worked as customers have dwindled for this reason and secondly, the economy.
Walgreens advertises on TV to get customers.
Their employees are in the kitchen and miss the advertisement.
Employees are clueless.
Eventually, jobless for not stocking properly, not paying attention to what is ringing up and the actual price of the item ...
Walgreens just doesn't care anymore.
I hate to say it --- SHOP WAL-MART.
Their prices beat Walgreens ANY DAY or NIGHT. Most are open 24 hours.
Walgreens is clueless and is being left behind!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Billie Burke, Ona Munson in THE CHEATERS (1945) and Jim Backus MR. MAGOO'S CHRISTMAS CAROL (1964)

www.rarefilmclassics.com or contact damienrecords@gmail.com
"Perfection on every level!"
Vinyl sleeves, photo labels / Guaranteed. Defective DVDs replaced with same title.
The Cheaters (1945) stars Billie Burke (Glinda in The Wizard of Oz) and Ona Munson (Belle Watling in Gone With The Wind)
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (originally aired December, 1964)
SEE youtube video:
Sunday, June 7, 2009
www.hotmoviesale.com - hotmoviesale - Hot Movie Sale - ANTI-JEWS ... Anti-American Terrorists?

HOT MOVE SALE owned by Al-Qaeda? Hamas?
Obama and his administration is correct. Terrorism on the Internet is the next new threat. BEWARE. It is ALIVE and doing very well in Boca Raton, FLORIDA.
In my opinion, it could easily come from bank fraud, credit card fraud, theft of identification whereby wiping out your entire bank account, little by little or all at once without you knowing.
In my opinion - BEWARE of www.hotmoviesale.com.
SmartSavingsCenter, LLC
DBA HotMovieSale
PO Box 810365
Boca Raton, FL, 33481-0365
Phone: 866-566-8437
THEY ERRONEOUSLY CHARGE your credit cards stating that you received notice via email when you purchased a DVD that you would be continuously billed ...
NOPE. I save all email's.
They have a P.O. Box.
THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS. They are un-American, illegal aliens terrorists hiding inside America, in the GREAT STATE OF FLORIDA.
What next - planes on the White House Lawn, Assassination of the President ...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Prez Obama apologizes for US - TRAITOR?

NEWS BULLETIN -- President insists: "If I can walk on water, then the world can live in peace and harmony. Let's all join hands ... Too much fear and mistrust from the past." states President. "Forget about Pearl Harbor and 9/11. One and all, join hands and sing We are the world. I hereby PROMISE AND PLEDGE economic growth and aid to every Country in the world. "I will raise American tax dollars to accomplish this task and ... forget about the United States being founded upon the Bible and Christianity ... Muslims, Islamists are people too."
Is Mein Kampf your current book of choice, Mr. President?
OBAMA is the Servant of AMERICA
OBAMA Servant / U.S. citizenry MASTER
President and Elected Officials ARE Public Servants
We, the people ... elect individuals based upon their "promises."
Some honor their promises, most do not.
Subsequently, what pops out of their mouth is NOT the voice of the people.
The President IS the President of these United States.
However, historically and factually - his ideologies ARE not the voice of America. They are his ideologies and beliefs and his alone.
To lie and pretend that HE is the VOICE of America is foolhardy ...
It goes against morality.
Mr. President, your believes are yours and yours alone. Sometimes I share your opinion and sometimes I do not.
DO NOT apologize for America or Americans. The people you apologized to were involved ... directly or indirectly to 9/11.
Do not lie to the WORLD and say this is how America feels.
You are a Public Servant. A Servant.
The American citizens are the Master.
Servant and Master.
This is a historical fact.
OBAMA Servant / U.S. citizenry MASTER
President and Elected Officials ARE Public Servants
We, the people ... elect individuals based upon their "promises."
Some honor their promises, most do not.
Subsequently, what pops out of their mouth is NOT the voice of the people.
The President IS the President of these United States.
However, historically and factually - his ideologies ARE not the voice of America. They are his ideologies and beliefs and his alone.
To lie and pretend that HE is the VOICE of America is foolhardy ...
It goes against morality.
Mr. President, your believes are yours and yours alone. Sometimes I share your opinion and sometimes I do not.
DO NOT apologize for America or Americans. The people you apologized to were involved ... directly or indirectly to 9/11.
Do not lie to the WORLD and say this is how America feels.
You are a Public Servant. A Servant.
The American citizens are the Master.
Servant and Master.
This is a historical fact.

SOTOMAYOR - a Latina Bitch? OBAMA a Dumbo?
Supreme Court: The Constitution means what it says and says what it means. It needs no interpretation. I find Sonia Sotomayor A RACIST AND BIGOT. Personally, I prefer a white man or white woman with experience to having a life-long supreme court seat than a bigoted and racist Latina. WHAT? It's okay for a Latina racist bigoted DIVA-bitch to speak her mind, but not okay for white people to speak theirs?
AS FOR YOUR LIKENESS IN AN EGYPTIAN PYRAMID: "It looks like me." Well, so does Disney's big-earred Dumbo.
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