Everybody is talking, but is anybody listening? Mostly Politics ... Conservative. God bless and save this exceptional U.S.A.
Monday, November 28, 2011
WE the People no longer govern America!
WE the PEOPLE no longer govern.
WE pay the salaries of Politicians.
They give themselves annual raises.
WE the PEOPLE do without. We have no say.
CAREER Politicians do as they please, disregarding WE the PEOPLE & the Constitution.
WE the PEOPLE are now just people and SLAVES to those we put into power.
SLAVERY is alive and well in the USA!
Politicians are OUR masters - we are nothing but their slaves.
Ironic if it wasn't so sad! AND “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” said Michelle Obama. (EXACT QUOTE)
If I wasn't stunned, I could say something.
Obama, under his watch - the USA lost its superior credit rating.
WE the PEOPLE watched Obama apologize to foreign countries and enemies of America.
We watched Obama snub the Dali Lama.
At the same time - we watched Obama gleefully take millions from movies stars and large corporations, have over-the-top Hollywood parties in the White House, the very House owned by We the People.
We the People were the uninvited guests.
We weren’t even allowed to look into the window. We heard about the parties long after they came and went.
In my modest logic - Obama enjoys being a Prez.
Yet he turns over every issue to his Congress or Senate.
He takes no personal responsibility. He blames everyone for his failure.
Botox Queen Nancy Pelosi “Sign the bill, read it later.”
A first day law student, or what our folks told us growing up – read first.
To date, the majority of those who signed – have yet to read it. They have yet to read this healthcare bill.
I've read it sixteen times.
Those thieving Politicians just enacted a law whereby they CANNOT use their knowledge and purchase stocks.
That is called insider trading – just ask Martha Stewart.
They just enacted this rule or law.
Excuse me?
This LAW was always there for the regular person – but remember, Politicians, these people we elect ALWAYS believe they were above the law – they were the law, they ARE the law.
GREED and CORRUPTION run amok.
Barack Hussein Obama has honestly done nothing himself. HE delegates.
He likes to talk. But I believe the majority of people stopped listing to his promises and rhetoric. After all, too much hot air becomes depressing. Especially from the mouth of a President I have to keep apologizing for ... to all my international friends.
They just laugh and they agree he is sort of a buffoon, a clown. That makes me sad. As Obama spends money as if he were dipping into his own multi-millions ... but he is not using his money - he is using the money of the U.S. citizenry.
Our grandchildren and their children will still be paying off Obama’s debt.
No worries for Michelle and Barack. They ARE the 2%.
They have their wealth and WE the little people do with less or do with nothing - for WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries.
We can’t give ourselves a raise each year - the Politicians give themselves a raise all the time. We pay their salary. If it weren’t so tragic - it would be funny.
But I cannot find the humor at all. YEP - thanks to Michelle & Barack – thanks to the Government for the people and by the people. Or should we just scrape and bow and say thank you Master and we stand on the outside looking into a world we will never know.
Is there hope - well, history has proven many a thing.
FACT: The most influential and most intelligent countries in all of mankind have fallen.
The Roman Empires. Russia. France and cultures and civilizations long before them.
The people rose with their last breath - their last ounce of courage.
They were tired of being tired.
You can only kick a dog so many times - until it turns around and bites your ass!
Time for a little ass biting!
Monday, November 21, 2011
VOTE THEM OUT! 12 Super-Committee members. THEY failed America.

Remember NAMES of ALL 12 Super-Committee members.
THEY failed America.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas (Republican and committee co-chair)
Sen. Patty Murray of Washington (Democrat and committee co-chair)
Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland (Democrat)
Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona (Republican)
Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts (Democrat)
Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania (Republican)
Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Democrat)
Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio (Republican)
Rep. Xavier Becerra of California (Democrat)
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan (Republican)
Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina (Democrat)
Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan (Republican)
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