Demand Senate & Congress be paid minimum wage!
WE are boss! Time to FIGHT! WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries.
THEY are not better than WE the PEOPLE.
We pay their salaries.
DEMAND that ALL Congress, ALL Senate make the minimum wage of the State they represent.
Let's see if they can make it on what they dole out to us!
Life! Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness!
Time for an American revolution to TAKE BACK AMERICA!
Demand Senate & Congress make minimum wage!
Can YOU and your family make it on what the POLITICIANS say we must?
They do NOT get Social Security so they don't care if it is raised to 80 years of age.
WE the people will pay their lifelong pensions and retirement. WE the PEOPLE will work until WE die on the job. WE the PEOPLE will work until we die on the unemployment line at whatever age THEY decide.
WE the PEOPLE pay their salaries - yet, THEY say we have to work ,,, until when - 69, competing with 19 year olds for the same job ....
THEY give themselves raises - yet WE receive nothing. Isn't that B.S.? Isn't that a kick in the pants? Think about it? We are getting screwed. Remember, WE pay their salary. Then they decide what we must be paid. That is literal insanity.
This is why this Country was founded. People were tired of the inequality. The aristocracy. The elite.
Minimum wage by State:
Alabama $7.25
Alaska $7.75
Arizona $7.35 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Previous rate pursuant to Arizona Proposition 202. This rate will be automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. This rate increase does not affect student workers in places such as libraries and cafeterias because those positions are given by universities, which are State entities.[10] The state minimum wage was increased 10 cents to $7.35 on January 1, 2011.[11] The state tipped also increased 10 cents to $4.35 per hour.
Arkansas $6.25 Applicable to employers of 4 or more employees.
California $8.00 San Francisco $9.92. The Minimum Wage Ordinance states that exempt employees must make twice the state minimum wage.
Colorado $7.36 Set to increase or decrease according to yearly changes in inflation. The state wage was increased to $7.36 per hour on January 1, 2011. The tipped wage increased to $4.34 per hour.
Connecticut $8.25 This rate was increased by 25 cents to $8.25 on January 1, 2010. Tipped employees earn $5.69 per hour, which is a tipped rate that is 69% of the state minimum wage.
Delaware $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Florida $7.31 Raised pursuant to FMWA. If and when it is below the federal rate, it rises with inflation. $4.29 per hour for tipped employees.
Georgia $5.15 Only applicable to employers of 6 or more employees. If less than 6 then there is no minimum at all. Tipped employees earn $2.13. The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act when the Federal rate is greater than the State rate.
Hawaii $7.25 Tipped employees earn $7.00 (25 cents less than the current state minimum wage).
Idaho $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Illinois $8.25 Employers may pay anyone under the age of 18 fifty cents less. Tipped employees earn $4.95 (employers may claim credit for tips, up to 40% of wage).
Indiana $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Iowa $7.25 Most small retail and service establishments grossing less than 300,000 annually are not required to pay the minimum wage. Tipped employees can be paid 60% of the minimum wage, which is currently $4.35.
Kansas $7.25 For many years, the minimum wage was set to $2.65, the lowest in the nation. The state wage was increased to match the federal level on January 1, 2010.
Kentucky $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Louisiana None Federal minimum applies.
Maine $7.50 Tipped employees earn $3.75 (one-half of the current state minimum wage).
Maryland $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Tipped employees earn $3.63.
Massachusetts $8.00 $2.63 for service (tipped) employees, $1.60 for agricultural employees. With time-and-a-half on Sundays (for retail workers only) the Sunday minimum wage is $12.00/hr.
Michigan $7.40 $2.65 for service (tipped) employees. Minors 16–17 years of age may be paid 85% of the minimum hourly wage rate (currently a rate of $6.29 per hour). Training wage for new employees ages 16 to 19 of $4.25 per hour for first 90 days of employment.
Minnesota $7.25 Small employers, whose annual receipts are less than $625,000 and who do not engage in interstate commerce, can pay their employees $5.25 per hour. (Note: The federal minimum wage for all employers grossing more than $500,000 is $7.25 an hour as of July 24, 2009, so the Minnesota large-employer rate of $6.15 an hour is obsolete as of that date.)
Mississippi None Federal minimum applies.
Missouri $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index rounded to the nearest five cents. In September 2010, the Missouri Department of Labor announced that the state minimum wage would not increase in 2011.
Montana $7.35 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. Tip income may not be applied as an offset to an employee's pay rate. The minimum pay is $4/hour for business with less than $110,000 in annual sales. The indexed minimum wage was increased 10 cents to $7.35 per hour on January 1, 2011.
Nebraska $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Nevada $8.25 Rises with inflation.[33] The minimum wage increased to $8.25 on July 1, 2010. Employers who offer health benefits can pay employees $7.25.[34] In April 2011, Nevada's Labor Commissioner Michael Tanchek announced that the minimum wage would remain at $8.25 per hour for the July 2011-July 2012 period.
New Hampshire $7.25 In June 2011, media reported that state lawmakers approved legislation that repeals the state minimum wage law and aligns it with federal law. The new law does not affect the tipped wage rate, which will remain at $3.27 per hour.
New Jersey $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
New Mexico $7.50 $9.85 in Santa Fe (now covering all employees, since expansion to employers with less than 25 employees, as of January 1, 2008).(This wage was previously tied with San Francisco as the highest in the country. Albuquerque's minimum wage is $7.50 per hour (employers who provide health care or child care benefits can pay employees $6.50 per hour).
New York $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. New York also has a minimum for exempt employees $536.10 per week as of January 1, 2007.
North Carolina $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
North Dakota $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Ohio $7.40 $7.25 for 14 and 15 year-olds and employees whose employers gross less than $267,000 per year.[41] This rate is automatically adjusted annually on every January 1 based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. $3.70 plus tips for tipped employees.
Oklahoma $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law. $2.00 per hour for work not covered by federal minimum wage (OK Statutes 40-197.5).
Oregon $8.50 Rises with inflation. The wage increased 10 cents to $8.50 on January 1, 2011.
Pennsylvania $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Rhode Island $7.40 $2.89 for employees receiving tips.
South Carolina None Federal minimum applies.
South Dakota $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA.
Tennessee None Federal minimum applies. The state does have a promised wage law whereby the employers are responsible for paying to the employees the wages promised by the employer.
Texas $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law.
Utah $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference after legislative action; no actual amounts written in law. Current rate took effect on September 8, 2007. $2.13 an hour for tipped employees.
Vermont $8.15 Rises with inflation.[8] Tipped employees are paid $3.95.
Virginia $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Federal minimum wage used as reference.
Washington $8.67 Employees aged 14 or 15 may be paid 85% of the minimum wage, which is $7.37 as of January 1, 2011. Minimum wage increases annually by a voter-approved cost-of-living adjustment based on the federal Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W).
West Virginia $7.25 Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees at one location not involved in interstate commerce.
Wisconsin $7.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. Tipped employees are paid $2.33.
Wyoming $5.15 $2.13 for employees receiving tips. FMWA.
American Samoa $2.68-$4.69 Varies by industry.[47] Planned increases to $7.25 by 2014. On September 30, 2010, President Obama signed legislation that delays scheduled wage increases for 2010 and 2011. Annual wage increases of $0.50 will recommence on September 30, 2012.
District of Columbia $8.25 Raised pursuant to FMWA. This rate is automatically set at $1 above the Federal minimum wage rate if the District of Columbia rate is lower. The tipped wage in Washington, DC is $2.77 per hour.
Guam $7.25
There's A New NEW WORLD COMING - Cass Elliott