MINOR Haven! No ID required to buy cigarets - Employees behaving badly!
7/11 - 1515 Cypress Creek Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613-3607
Several late nights (after midnight) I would make my trek to 7/11 to buy stamps, cat food, et cetera.
A gaggle of very personable young employees from 18-22 would greet me.
They all were surrounded by their boyfriends and co-workers (from other shifts). They would gather in front for their nightly cigaret break.
I did not care that their off-the-clock fellow employees were helping them stock the shelves. I didn't care that their boyfriends were helping them stock the shelves, mop the floor. I did not even care that employees from different shifts who were not on the clock would go behind the counter, ring up their own cigarets and then walk away as if they were in their own home.
I would tell them they could get in trouble. But alas, I am not their boss. Just a "regular" customer who shops at this 7/11 several times a day, over 6 times per week.
What did bother me, however, was their NOT carding, asking for, looking at IDs of people who bought cigarets. Whether or not the purchaser was a friend, a peer, or a stranger from Tibet - most companies have a policy to card anyone who looks under the age of 40 or 30 or even 100.
Regardless, it is illegal to sell to minors. Not to card is foolish.
Did you know, even if you were over 18 and legally able to buy cigarets, that if you did not have your ID on you to present to the clerk, LEGALLY, they cannot sell you cigarets (carry your license or ID).
I needed stamps again, so this morning I went in. I talked to the Manager/Owner. He was telling me his employees were asking to have me banned (he said this three times). I told him what they were doing. He said do not tell them, tell him. I told him it all is on his own store video.
He said he told his employees he would not ban me.
EXCUSE ME. Obviously this grown man and owner of this franchised 7/11 did or did not realize his employees wanted me banned because I was spoiling their party.
It did not settle into his head that I was telling his employees AND him - laws were being broken.
PARENT - an employer checks references for employees. PARENTS - check references on an employer. This 7/11 has had previous arrests of employees selling to minors. If a manager turns the other way while your young daughter or son is selling cigarets or alcohol to minors - well, will they walk away when your son or daughter is jailed? Will they help pay the bond? Court costs? NO. But, employers who turn their backs on illegal sales of items to minors ARE liable to you in a civil court. If they allowed your son/daughter to sell illegally to minors, it does not erase their responsibility, but it will help you get money to pay your kids fines.
I immediately filed a report with the Cedar Park Police and the Office of the District Attorney and TABC.
Most likely there will be a sting. Or perhaps a subpoena to see the videos. Or TABC will contact them.
It is hard enough to raise young teenagers and young adults - but when you can't even trust their employers will do right by them by enforcing proper work ethics AND most importantly, abiding by the law - well, it is time to move on.
I will NEVER step foot into this haven for illegal activities again.
Maybe I won't have to.
Responsible citizens and the authorities will most likely close it down and/or jail the owner and the kids responsible.