Prez Hussein Obama is a law-breaker by disregarding Federal Law
The Federal Government, as per the Constitution - MUST enforce the immigration law. It is their responsibility - not the States.
The Federal Government MUST protect their citizenry - FIRST and foremost.
By Hussein Obama failing to enforce the current laws - by ignoring the Constitution - he himself is a lawbreaker.
EVERY job that is lost to illegal aliens is a crime. Legal action can and should ensue.
If you are in danger - if you lost your job - and you can prove your allegations were the DIRECT result of the Federal Government ignoring FEDERAL LAW - then you have a right to pursue a lawsuit.
Kidnapping, murder, job loss - IF they are a direct result of the Federal Government's disregard to enforce their own laws - to protect U.S. citizenry - a lawsuit should be considered.
Your financial stability - your safety - your Country - your rights - your civil and moral rights are in jeopardy.
The solution: ENTER the United States legally, civilly.
Otherwise - law breakers should be sent to their Country of origin.
They can take their border babies with them. For the child is "fruit of the poisonous tree."
Share America with those who enter LEGALLY.
Illegal means illegal.
What part of that is so hard to understand?
If any American citizen breaks a law - can you demand Amnesty?
If Illegal Aliens are granted amnesty - then, ANY AMERICAN who is accused or convicted of breaking a law - has the LEGAL RIGHT to demand amnesty. If not granted, then on its face, this is discrimination.
AMNESTY if granted for one lawbreaker - should be granted for ALL lawbreakers.
A law is a law. A rule is a rule.